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confess to my crush/friend?

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This is another thread after 'friend with crush'.


To make it brief: I have a guy friend who I've known for a year and have a crush on as well. We've met a few times alone, and we slept with each other followed by a sudden kiss without any alcohol involved. And since then, the relationship has been awkward because I feel he is distancing me, even though he is the one who started to kiss me and led things on.


I have been totally falling for him since that night, but I am afraid he won't like me- even as friends-so I am taking things real slow without any action from my side. I went to his place after a week since that night, and he didn't mention anything related to it nor tried to make a move on me, and I am feeling a little rejected. I think I was expecting things from him when I was at his place and didn't get anything, I gave an impression to him that I am somewhat angry or was feeling uncomfortable and he sensed it and asked me if I am feeling alright.

I think until that day we were both confused but still fine with positive feelings, but my obvious behavior made him pull back. Maybe he is scared I like him more and would expect more with him.I wrote an email to him a few days later after that day, and he hasn't gotten back to me yet.

At this point, I feel like I made an awkward situation with him by going to his place at a bad moment (he was busy working) and not wanting to leave.


Do you think it's possible that he had feelings for me at first so he made a move on me, but then later on I came out too strong (I didn't say anything but maybe my behavior), so he started to not like me or it turned him off?

Is he backing off?


I think we were good friends until that night or the other day, so I am sad to think I ruined the relationship/friendship with him - even though he is the one who initiated all the physical stuff.

Should I write to him and tell my honest feelings that I was thinking him as a real good friend and somehow had feelings for him, but after that night I got confused and things became awkward, but I still want to remain friends?

Should I talk about it or leave it? Sometimes leaving it is easier, because you can get back to friends in a while, and in the future again, things could happen and you could be in the right moment. Or should I bring it up and see how he responds? It's taking a risk, and I am afraid he will think I got so crazy about him after that one night and will not want to be anything, not even friends with me. It would be sad to lose him.


Just really confused now.


Your advice is appreciated.


Thank you!

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