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Chi machine s growth?

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It shakes your legs, giving you the illusion of being relaxed. That's all it does. No spinal alignments, no qi flow increase, no lymph system cleansing.


Back in "the day", there were machines at every pinball arcade that you would stand on, put in your dime and it would vibrate your feet for a minute or so. Same principle, gussied up for the new century, but just as (in)effective.

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It shakes your legs, giving you the illusion of being relaxed. That's all it does. No spinal alignments, no qi flow increase, no lymph system cleansing.


Back in "the day", there were machines at every pinball arcade that you would stand on, put in your dime and it would vibrate your feet for a minute or so. Same principle, gussied up for the new century, but just as (in)effective.


What about a foot/leg massager? Can they help you with your growth or anything?

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I really can't see the connection between any kind of massage machine and vertical growth, with the exception of MAYBE if it relaxes your spine sufficiently and removes some pressure from your discs the spine might elongate a few millimeters.


I think that if you've heard any first-person accounts of growing taller, it might very well be just from lying stretched-out on the floor - that'll do far more good for your back than foot / ankle massage. (It's actually old folk wisdom for when you have a lumpy mattress - the floor realigns the spine a bit, making you feel better and probably stand a bit taller).


But actual physiological growth? Can't see it. Sorry.

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