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what is going on?


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i have been dating a girl for almost a year. we have our share of fights, but sometimes that is to be expected. we seperated for a while and got back together, i took that as a good sign. i work in the morning and she works at night, we don't see each other as often as we'd like but we have been talking about getting an apartment together for some time. now it seems when we do see each other she wants to go home early. and she doesn't call to say goodnight anymore. i am heartbroken. she says she has new friends from her new job and she is stressed out with fighting with her mom. she says she needs some space to figure things out. i am nervous that she wants out of the relationship, how can i ignite the flame that has apparently blown out?






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why don't you try to ask her if she is having second thoughts. i have been there and i know how nerves i got when it was time to get a place with my boyfriend (ex boyfriend now). she may not be ready i guess it just depends on how old you two are. maybe she really isn't ready. i am not saying this to upset you or to make you think that she wants out i am just saying i know how i felt and she may feel the same way. i was only 18 when i got my first place. and you never know her friends or family could have something to do with it too.


good luck, Roxanne

i have been dating a girl for almost a year. we have our share of fights, but sometimes that is to be expected. we seperated for a while and got back together, i took that as a good sign. i work in the morning and she works at night, we don't see each other as often as we'd like but we have been talking about getting an apartment together for some time. now it seems when we do see each other she wants to go home early. and she doesn't call to say goodnight anymore. i am heartbroken. she says she has new friends from her new job and she is stressed out with fighting with her mom. she says she needs some space to figure things out. i am nervous that she wants out of the relationship, how can i ignite the flame that has apparently blown out? heartbroken
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