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Me and my girlfriend broke up last year after the school year because we both agreed we were fighting to much. Now that we are back up to college together, we are now seeing each other again. We are allowed to see other people and haven't declared what we have a relationship. Because we are in college I had sex with another girl, and she had sex with another guy. The problem is, when she recently told me she had sex with another guy, i got jealous, while she got jealous to. We both don't want a relationship again, because we don't want to end up having another failed relationship together. Besides that, we both know we are young, and I think its basically like we know if we get in a relationship again, we might just settle and not know if we are missing out on anything else (WE ARE IN COLLEGE). But on the flip side we both know that we love eachother, and when we have sex, its isn't just SEX. We don't want to say we love each other, because we don't want to fully commit ourselves again. But the fact is, I hate knowing she could potentially be having sex with other guys, and know its because I love the girl. But I also know the sex she had with the other guy wasn't out of love, it was because of drunkeness lol, and vice versa on my part. What I'm asking is, should we continue doing what we are doing, or should we fully commit ourselves to eachother?

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Missing out on what...sleeping with random people? What about missing out on the times you could share together as a happy couple? In my opinion, if you love each other, you should be together. If you want to see other people, then only see other people & just be friends...cause it's not fair to the other people.


The whole friends with benefits thing doesn't work when there's feelings involved...someone always gets jealous & hurt.

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What I'm asking is, should we continue doing what we are doing, or should we fully commit ourselves to eachother?


You should not continue doing what you're doing, AND you should not fully commit to each other.


You are not ready to commit. And you can't handle 'dating' while you both date/have sex with other people. Your only option is to break up completely, and maybe reconnect when you are more ready for a full, committed relationship.

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