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Why are guys mean to the women they like?

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oh and muse thank you too..everyone had great advice. Although I still see him.


You still see him at work or you still see him as in you still SEE HIM?

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Ok this might sound harsh but I mean it in the best way possible. You sound like you are very young, as you mentioned that you could be this guys daughter. From what you've written in response to everyone, I'm going to guess that you're just barely out of high school, if that.


Even if I'm wrong, it seems to me as if this guy is picking up on your level of maturity and matching it. That is to say, you really sound like a little high school girl with a puppydog crush on the most popular kid in high school.


You say that he's obsessed with your name, always staring at you, etc. But then you seem to be the one overanalyzing and nit-picking every word he says and thing he does. So who do you think is really the obsessed one in this whole situation? Do you think he's sitting there when you leave wondering what it meant when you kind of half smiled that one time or analyzed some tiny comment you made? Chances are, he's not.

Most likely, he sees how young and easily manipulated you are and guess what? He's taking that opportunity to control you. I'm almost positive he is 100% aware of your feelings towards him and hey, if it gets his office dusted and vacuumed, all the better for him.


My suggestion is 1. To stop analyzing everything he does and says. That is not healthy, its making you more obsessed with him each time, and makes it harder for you to ultimately see this guy for who he really is and what he's actually doing to you. 2. You need to try to approach this a little more maturely so you can reset the tone. Right now, the level of maturity seems to be that of an adolescent on both parts. So let's bring that up to at least college or so? That will show much more character on your part & hopefully by focusing on your own actions instead of his, your mind will begin to move elsewhere.


Best of luck.

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