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Was this a pre-kiss test?

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I have posted on this forum before about a male co-worker who I have become close to. Let me restate that we aren't in the same department so we have very little professional interaction.


I have no doubt now that there is a mutual attraction but here's the thing. The other day I gave him a Father's Day Card (he's divorced with two young sons and is an incredible dad) and he was very moved by it and came over to my office and gave me a hug and what I thought was going to be a kiss on the cheek. He sort of got the corner of my mouth and I kissed him back and he seemed REAL happy. I read an article on the kiss test in the Science of Seduction and they talked about the progression of touching, hugging, face kissing, etc. The touching he has done all along, then he progressed to hugging. Was this a test to see my reaction?


I felt that although he missed most of my lips, his intention was to kiss me. Was this just my imagination? Now this morning he is pleasant but has pulled away again. Is it normal for men to run so hot and cold?

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Don't worry about this. Just continue being encouraging. I don't think there is a kiss test as such. Men who want to kiss a woman somehow know when she'll be receptive and they go for it. It's not really rocket science. If for some reason she turns away, he may not try again for a while.


He may be a little withdrawn today because of the incident but if you act normal towards him he'll spring back. You might even suggest that he go for it again...that his aim was a little off yesterday.


Sounds like you may have something good going here. Don't screw it up by analyzing too much.

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Thanks Tony for being so supportive. I really don't have a lot of people to talk to about this. I don't want to involve any other co-workers at this point and I don't have any other male friends and I wanted a male perspective. You're right, I do overanalyze and I am going to try to just go with the flow!

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