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He's engaged..now he's not & is it worth my time

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He was engaged, now he's not. When do I get the green light?


Let me try to explain...I'll try to keep it short. I have 2 very good friends, Adam and Jen. I went to high school with adam and jen is his wife. About 2 years ago they asked if they could bring some friends of theirs to a party that my roommates and I were having. As it turned out, I already knew Melissa from high school. We had the same group of friends in high school, not real good friends but I'd consider her a friend of mine. I had never met john before. They went to college and lived together there, I don't know how long they were together but eventually they got engaged. They were engaged for about a year...now they are not. I haven't asked john why, but adam has told me that john did couldn't handle melissa's jealousy and they have not been able to workout a friendship since they engagement was broken off.

First let me say that I never had an interest in John before. I am not the kind of girl that wants to be a homewrecker. I don't need that, after all, there are plenty of fish in the sea. But he is good looking, incredibly smart and nice, I can see why melissa was crazy about hime. They have been broken up since the beginning of the year. And since then John has expressed his interests in me and I have been trying ignoring it. I don't want to ruin any thing that could be fixed in that relationship. Even Adam has invited me to join him and jen whenever john is around. The four of us go out for drinks together a few times and john always insists on paying for my drinks and dinner. And drinks and dinner have led to drunken coziness.


I do like him...he is cute, I enjoy talking to him and has alot of qualities I am attracted to. But I am very cautious about getting too involved with him. Adam thinks it would be great, jen has been unpleasant to me about it. I don't want to be that girl. But most of all I am concerned about myself in this situation. So......How soon is too soon to get involved with a guy that just came out of a serious relationship?


Thanks for any advice in advance

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I wouldn't pursue anything with this man until Jen is accepting of it, sound like she may know something that no-one else does. Maybe Melissa was jealous for a good reason......


Best of Luck to you ,


Bubbles :)

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