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WTF, craigslist?!

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I decided to perform a little experiment today. I wrote out a personal ad for craigslist, but a non-traditional one. It was a emotional "reaching out" to someone who might feel the same. Stuff like "you don't like drama, you aren't driven by lust or greed" etc. Then "contact me if these words make sense to you". It was specific stuff I wish I could say to a non-specific person.


I posted it in the "women seeking men" section, but did not put any personal details about myself (nor are they required).


It was flagged and removed TWICE and I have no idea why. I've read they're rules, etc and can't find any reason it would be removed.


My only goal was to see what kind of response I'd get- and I got some prior to removals, everything from piggish to creepy to guys who said they felt the same to guys who simply thanked me for putting up something so hearfelt.


How does an emotional reaching out violate a personals ad, but someone who posts "married single male looking for no strings attached sex partners" is all peaches&cream.


WTF craigslist?!

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They removed you because the guys reading your ad flagged you.. it wasn't craigslist that flagged you but the guys reading your ad.


so... what the heck did you put in your ad to get flagged by so many people to be removed ?


Did your ad sound like you were a hooker drumming up business ?

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They removed you because the guys reading your ad flagged you.. it wasn't craigslist that flagged you but the guys reading your ad.


so... what the heck did you put in your ad to get flagged by so many people to be removed ?


Did your ad sound like you were a hooker drumming up business ?


No! Really it sounds like a lonely person looking for a real connection.


I didn't know other people could flag you and have you immediately removed. I guess someone doesn't like a person w/ a heart. :mad: D*cks.

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kittenmoon, from what I've read you're a cool chick, but I'm really surprised as to why would you try a little experiment that is essentially wasting people's time and emotions?


How would you like it if you applied for a job, then later found out it was a fake posting? Maybe the person posting it wanted to see what the responses would be, but that doesn't help you out.


It brings down the trust and morale in an already dilapidated environment, and you are adding to that. I agree it was probably flagged because I doubt you are the 1st to think of an experiment to see who would respond, for whatever reason.

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Maybe they thought it was an ad for something else or spam? Like people on here who talk about how great their spouse is and then it turns out to be spam.


I really have no idea.


But on craigslist a lot of people just click that because they are annoyed with things.


I like craigslist (never used the personals section, though) but you can't really ever trust something that is free and relatively self-governed.

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I think alot of people on craigslist just post and then collect email addresses or from people and then spam them. I think if people don't post a picture or say something specific about a place in the city that they post some of the users will assume that you just posted the ad in every city section and are just a spammer.

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I think alot of people on craigslist just post and then collect email addresses or from people and then spam them. I think if people don't post a picture or say something specific about a place in the city that they post some of the users will assume that you just posted the ad in every city section and are just a spammer.


That makes the most sense, they think you will appear as Mr. Mungwai Tutu informing them you have 8million ponds to deliver to them, if they would respond to your email in 10 days.

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I think alot of people on craigslist just post and then collect email addresses or from people and then spam them. I think if people don't post a picture or say something specific about a place in the city that they post some of the users will assume that you just posted the ad in every city section and are just a spammer.


Yeah, this actually sounds like the most truthful. I got responses and realized, "Wow, I have these guys' emails and in some cases, full names". Kinda sketchy.


I don't think anyone saw through the experiment, because it was fairly honest, just w/o personal info. Maybe I'll try peppering in a few details and see if it stays ok.


I know this is kinda weird, but it just kinda came to me last night, wondering what people would say back. Kinda like a twist on "desperately seeking susan". ;)

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kittenmoon, from what I've read you're a cool chick, but I'm really surprised as to why would you try a little experiment that is essentially wasting people's time and emotions?


How would you like it if you applied for a job, then later found out it was a fake posting? Maybe the person posting it wanted to see what the responses would be, but that doesn't help you out.


It brings down the trust and morale in an already dilapidated environment, and you are adding to that. I agree it was probably flagged because I doubt you are the 1st to think of an experiment to see who would respond, for whatever reason.


I've applied for DOZENS of jobs and never heard a peep from any of them. I take it in stride. Anyways, isn't that how personals work? You respond if you're interested?


Who says I wouldn't have started up a dialogue if, against the odds, I got an intriguing response? ;)

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Who says I wouldn't have started up a dialogue if, against the odds, I got an intriguing response? ;)

Post a pic and you will get heaps of responses.

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Post a pic and you will get heaps of responses.


Aw, the little pink elephant was missed. How about I use that pic? :laugh:

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is nemo the same a palegicshands? Any ways your expirement was flagged by people who saw through what you were doing, end of story, Interesting conclusion

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Any ways your expirement was flagged by people who saw through what you were doing, end of story, Interesting conclusion


Ok, so HOW do you come to this conclusion? What if I had just said I put up a heartfelt personals ad that kept getting flagged? And left out the experiment part? The post was 100% genuine anyhow, stuff I meant 100%.

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Ok, so HOW do you come to this conclusion? What if I had just said I put up a heartfelt personals ad that kept getting flagged? And left out the experiment part? The post was 100% genuine anyhow, stuff I meant 100%.


Aww why didncha just say so?



Well I could see how that was mystifying. Maybe if you follow what everyone else said next time then?

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I decided to perform a little experiment today. I wrote out a personal ad for craigslist, but a non-traditional one. It was a emotional "reaching out" to someone who might feel the same. Stuff like "you don't like drama, you aren't driven by lust or greed" etc. Then "contact me if these words make sense to you". It was specific stuff I wish I could say to a non-specific person.


I'm sorry, but how is that untraditional? From what I've ever seen, every other ad says the same thing... no drama, no liars, want real connection.

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u must have came off fake, craigslist has no mods, so if enough people flagg you thats it. I'm sorry if you came off as spam or inapropriate, Maybe you didn't deserve it. Try again see what happens.

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Third time, got flagged off again. :mad: :mad: :mad:


Even posted, please don't flag this. Added some more personal stuff.


What- are there some @$$holes that just flag off every personal ad that doesn't meet their criteria of "real"?


My experiment, and my dim hope of getting a viable response, is a failure. However, I have gotten one more piece of evidence that people suck hardcore. Gah.

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Post it here. I'm curious to see why it might have been flagged.


Now I think someone is just being a crotch. I put it up a 4th time, it lasted a bit longer, but still got flagged. Someone even posted asking where my post went yesterday. I don't think I was in violation of anything, except maybe someone's ego or something.:rolleyes:


I'd post it here, but that would just invite flaming of a pretty personal dialogue.

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I'd post it here, but that would just invite flaming of a pretty personal dialogue.

No way! Everybody here is nice, and sweet, and constructive. We don't do the flaming thing.

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We don't do the flaming thing.


Really? And I was positive that you were flaming. :laugh:;)

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