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trying to cut this short,

(if you don't understand, ask)


okay. it starts my junior year of high school. will (who i went out with junior year to senior year, and on and off after that), had a girlfriend, who he had dumped for me. we had a few dates, then i found out he had sex with his ex. i should have ended it there, but i forgave him and said he couldn't talk to her or see her. about a month later he asked me out. we dated for about a year, and everything went great, she never called, and we were perfect. a few months later things started getting weird, he acted differently towards me and she kept writing things and putting her away messages up saying she was hanging out with him (sometimes she would lie, because i would be hanging out with him, and other times i wouldn't know) he said he wasn't seeing her. finally, i couldn't take it anymore and broke up with him. we still talked on the phone once a week, and the sucker that i am took him back, we just went on dates, nothing serious. i then found out he kissed some girl at the club, and i went ballistic. took him back again, dated again (he didn't want a girlfriend at the time), then i found out he had a girlfriend from work. i ended it there, didn't talk to him for months, and realized i could do without him, but still couldn't find any acceptable guys at school. then i started college as a freshman, about a month into college i had gotten a call from will. my heart dropped and i answered. he wanted to hang out. i said yes, and hangout with him again. we dated, he says he realized things, and then went out with his ex from high school.


i ended it again, didn't talk to him for months, and he called me again. i answered and now hes says hes changed. hes acting like the person he was in high school when we were going out. we have been dating since October and its January now. he says everything is going perfect, he just doesn't want a girlfriend thats in college. i tell him hes not the one that should be worried. I did hook up with people when we were broken up, and he still is the only person i have had sex with. every single time i take him back, i think hes a changed man, he knows how to make everything sound like he didn't do anything wrong, hes makes everything he says so believeable. the sad thing is i believe him. but he says he loves me, so if he does we should be going out and he should be giving me his all.




when i read this, i know i am crazy for staying with him and dealing with this bull****. but when he is who he used to be, everything is amazing and i couldn't imagine life with another person.


i feel retarded that i actually need advice, i should know to leave him by now and find someone else, but i don't think I'm strong enough.


hes hurt me so many times, but i still love him and get over it.

i need help!


yeah, i know i'm retarded. :sick:

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Since you already know what you should do, I will phrase my advice a bit differently:


Get back together, get hurt a lot more, waste some more months or years on him. At one point, the pain will be large enough for you to learn that it will not work.



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