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Should I? Or Shouldn't I?


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OK well this girl is confusing the hell out of me. She tells me she doesn't want a long distance relationship yet she has kept in contact with me via texts, ims, and emails. She tells me she doesn't want to hang out alone with me but last week she had no problem picking me up and dragging me along with her when we hung out last week and to a movie with friends. She also pretty much insisted that I sit right next to her and talking about alot of personal things (How parents met, future, etc.) I also met her parents over winter break with friends and when i was introduced to her mother she kindof had this "Oh you" look if you know what I mean. Also her friends were teasing me and asking what kind of girl do I like and when i replied they would say "oh x is like that isn't she?"


Anyway my gut tells me that she still has feelings for me but my brain tells me that either 1) she doesn't want Long distance relationships and will reject me or 2) only looks at me as a good friend and nothing more. My brain also tells me that I'm reading way to much into people's actions and trying to twist it to my benefit. So i guess what I'm looking for is a 2nd and up opinion.

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Sounds like she needs to be upfront about her intentions - ask her straight out what she wants from you.


Maybe she doesnt want an LDR (which i understand), but really likes you and cant let go of you.

If it was me & he didnt want an LDR - but still insisted on me being a part of his life & we could not move to be near each other, i would start seeing other people.

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yeah I should do that thanks. It just kinda hard because over time she has kinda become my figurative shoulder to cry on (and vice versa) as well as becoming a real good friend to me. So I guess I'm afraid of what will happen after i confront her.....

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