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Are you 5ft4ish and do you weigh between 105-108?

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I lost two pounds giving up beer except for fri and sat! No beer on weeknights!


For the record this was on two weeks of weighing. I think I should give more than that.


That's really great, DDL! Congrats!


What do you mean "I think I should give more than that?" Not sure what you meant there.



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I have been pigging out on chocolate, chips and ice cream in last few weeks and was too afraid to step on the scale. Today I finally weighed myself and turns out I have lost 3lbs :confused:

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That's really great, DDL! Congrats!


What do you mean "I think I should give more than that?" Not sure what you meant there.



I meant that my weight fluctuates so much on a daily basis that two weeks isn't really enough to know if change is for real, or just "water weight." Alcohol is so dehydrating and I can weigh five pounds less (or more) within hours on any given day. After a night of drinking, I can weigh myself in the morning and weigh X pounds. Two hours later after a few cups of coffee, I sometimes weigh 4 pounds more!


I also think my scale is very inaccurate.


How is your weight gain going?

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Yes, mine can seesaw within a 24 hour period. But looks like I've now gained 4 pounds!!! YAY!:bunny: I'm absolutely going to reach my goal by vacation time in June at this rate.


It also seesaws a lot during period time. That's water weight I guess.


But I've gained. I can tell. I'm noticing it in the way my pants fit. I have a little more of a butt now. I'm psyched. I'm really going to get to my end goal this time.

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Wow touche! I am sure all the heavy girls here on LS are so happy you have a "I'm too skinny" problem.

Are you sure you didn't create this thread to brag?

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Wow touche! I am sure all the heavy girls here on LS are so happy you have a "I'm too skinny" problem.

Are you sure you didn't create this thread to brag?


Oh shut up, you! What is there to brag about about looking like Olive Oyl? It's a real issue with me. I'm sorry if other people take it as bragging but I'm certainly doing no such thing. I'm just as unhappy, if not more, with my weight as any of the ladies out there who want to lose.

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Oh shut up, you! What is there to brag about about looking like Olive Oyl? It's a real issue with me. I'm sorry if other people take it as bragging but I'm certainly doing no such thing. I'm just as unhappy, if not more, with my weight as any of the ladies out there who want to lose.


Ok! Sorry! Maybe you are right.


You got me thinking that should start a thread too.


Which one should I do?

One where I just get too many women ogling me at work?

Or the one where my chest and stomach muscles are just too defined.

I know! How about the one where I just need to perform worse than a porn star in bed...


Oh, don't cry for me Argentina...

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Ok! Sorry! Maybe you are right.


You got me thinking that should start a thread too.


Which one should I do?

One where I just get too many women ogling me at work?

Or the one where my chest and stomach muscles are just too defined.

I know! How about the one where I just need to perform worse than a porn star in bed...


Oh, don't cry for me Argentina...


:laugh: You're so bad though. This is serious! I have to eat ice cream today.

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In all seriousness, have you considered goat's milk as well?

That is a good technique we use in the gym


Well I don't have a goat,so that might be tough. Wish I did though, I love, love, love curried goat...delish!

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Oh curried goat is absolutely delicious. It's a big dish in the Caribbean.


Feta is good too.

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Hmmm....I would be willing to try one tiny taste. Food should never be negated, if you've never tried it. :)


It's quite good. It's very rich - a bit on the fatty side but tender and just delicious. Doesn't taste quite like anything else. Wish I could buy some goat meat around here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks, DDL.


GRRRR...I feel stuck. Yes, I've gained 4 pounds so far but it's going soooooo slowly considering I started this the first week of Jan. :mad: I'm still going though. No, I'm not perfect every day. I do slip up and skip a meal here and there, or I don't eat the required number of times I have to to gain, but I'm mostly on it. If I screw up one day, I go right back on it the next.


By June I should hopefully see a big difference.


Anyway, just wanted to update. It helps me feel accountable and encourages me to keep going.


Thanks for the support.:)

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Touche, we get it: you are blessed at being older and still having a thin body.


You are making the overweight women on here crazy, and I feel for them

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Touche, we get it: you are blessed at being older and still having a thin body.


You are making the overweight women on here crazy, and I feel for them


Shut up, NotSoHot and quit stalking me! This is a serious issue. I'm not kidding. Now, go away.


(to the mods and people with no sense of humor: I'm joking and Zan knows it. This is not real - only a simulation. Thanks and back to our regular-scheduled programming.)

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Shut up, NotSoHot and quit stalking me! This is a serious issue. I'm not kidding. Now, go away.


(to the mods and people with no sense of humor: I'm joking and Zan knows it. This is not real - only a simulation. Thanks and back to our regular-scheduled programming.)


Oh, you have that problem too?


You laugh and they think you are insulting them. What a bunch of idiots.


Back to topic. Good going.

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I wish someone would do a study on why some people cannot gain weight, and others can.

Touche, do you think you simply get more exercise than the average bear? Or eat well? Or maybe you just simply don't eat as much? I'm being serious here.


ANd Ariadne, are your measurements/body type similar?


I know Heather Locklear has trouble gaining weight too, and she eats like horse.

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Oh, you have that problem too?


You laugh and they think you are insulting them. What a bunch of idiots.


Back to topic. Good going.


Yep. Sarcasm is really not allowed on here I've come to find out. It's a miracle I'm still here after all this time since I'm a very sarcastic person.


Thanks, Ariadne. :)

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Yep. Sarcasm is really not allowed on here I've come to find out. It's a miracle I'm still here after all this time since I'm a very sarcastic person.


Thanks, Ariadne. :)

I'm just waiting for the perfect time to start turning you in for infractions...

But seriously, as a person always battling with his weight (and I'm doing damn good for the past 2 years), have you noticed your servings are smaller, than say, the fat girl two cubicles down?

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I wish someone would do a study on why some people cannot gain weight, and others can.

Touche, do you think you simply get more exercise than the average bear? Or eat well? Or maybe you just simply don't eat as much? I'm being serious here.


ANd Ariadne, are your measurements/body type similar?


I know Heather Locklear has trouble gaining weight too, and she eats like horse.


Funny, you mention Heather Locklear. She's built like me and weighs about 108 at about 5 ft 4 according to past research. I think she looks great. She's what I'm shooting for. I don't know why she'd want to gain.


No, I don't get more exercise at all. I do eat pretty well though. I think I just don't eat as much maybe as most people. I have a habit of skipping meals at times. And I guess I have a fast metabolism.


I've been underweight my entire life. Well, except for my first year of college. I actually gained that "freshmen 15" and looked my absolute best. But after that, I went right back to my old weight. I was even underweight when I was pregnant. I'm just naturally underweight. Stinks. It's a real effort for me to gain and be at a normal weight. But I'll get there.


I guess everyone's metabolism is different.


And I remember reading that the fat cells you have are determined in childhood according to your eating or some such thing. Naturally, I ate like a bird as a kid. Our son is the exact same way. I can already see that he will also be a skinny, maybe underweight, adult.

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