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Business Trips

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Me and my GF are just in our thirties,been together for 9 years and lving together for 1. she has recently begun travelling onbusiness trips that last a week to a couple weeks.

i gotta tell you, despite our relationship never having any problems in the cheating department , im having a real problem with this..

i know what goes on at conventions and the such, its just an excuse for people to travel to exotic locals, go out drinking and if the opportunity arrises have have sex with random people. i realize not everyone does this, but i know the allure is there, and when youve been in a relationship for the better part of a decade, thinkgs tend to get routinge and the glitz and glamour of such a siuation could be quite alluring.

i guess im just having a hard time maintaining my faith and trust..

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Don't be too worried. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. You've been together a long time. I'm suprised since you've been together for 9 years you just started living with her. Perhaps it was an on and off thing and you're not that serious? and just started getting serious a year ago, so you feel like there is still a chance she could run off with some other guy? I'm trying to understand the situation better. If you've been in a relationship for 9 years there must be something that you suddenly aren't trusting of her, but like I said if it is just a worry and she isnt doing anything tht indicates mistrust on infidelity..then try and think positive. Maybe confront her on it? Have an open discussion.

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