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Getting back into shape--Not sure where to start

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I'm 21 and have never really been to a gym before--had a pretty active lifestyle as a teenager (horseback riding, soccer, chasing down sheep . . . :p) but haven't found many activities that I have time for while I'm at school. I'm pretty sensitive to cold and happen to go to school in a fairly cold area so it's limited the number of outdoor activities that I'm drawn to. I've found a gym that I can go to but I have NO idea where to start on getting myself back in shape. Don't really have a clear idea of what I want to do aside from be in better shape than I am which makes it hard. I'm not really worried about weight--more muscle tone I think? Anyways, any info or ideas people could give me would be greatly appreciated!

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i would start by asking if the gym offers any classes in terms of Pilates, Yoga, Dance, Aerobics, etc. Anything of that sort. You may also want to go one day a week to work on weights, and focus on compound muscle groups and core (to help with posture). Stuff like abs and lower back, shoulders/chest/upper back, etc. For every muscle you work on the front, make sure you work on the back as well, otherwise you get stronger in the front than the back and it will destroy your posture.


Are there personal trainers at this gym? That's a great place to start.


check out http://www.forum.bodybuilding.com for more in-depth advice on getting in shape. Also, diet (WHAT you eat, not how much of it you eat) will make a HUGE difference. Eat everything that you possibly can organic, and nothing with partially hydrogenated oil, trans fat, etc.

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