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ok, im 22 YO male and i was in a relationship for over a year with a girl that is 17. We both admitted that we was in love with each other and that we both planned on spending the rest of our lives together. I would say it was a wonderful relationship and we both was happy. Of course we had a few arguements and every time she would brake up with me but we would always work things out and get back together. She is a sweet inocent girl from a strong religious family, and she never does anything wrong. Her mother told me that i was really her first boyfriend and she is learning to be a girlfriend to me as we go along.


I on the other hand am a nice guy and alway treated her and her family with 100% respect and they liked me, but im a little more wilder than her and i do some things that she can't do, and didn't approve of at first. thats what caused some of our arguements in the past. I think most of our arguments revolved around her being jealous of me because me being older than her,i can do things that she never has never done and can't. About a month ago we had an arguement and of course she broke up with me and we started talking again but now she tells me that she cares about me but doesn't know if she loves me anymore. she says she is confused and that right now she wants me and her to just be friends. She says that she see's me more like a brother figure and that she has never had a brother figure in her life and needs one. I love her so much that i would die for her and i don't know if i could be just friends with her right now because im head over heels in love with her. I don't know what to do because i think about her all the time and i have really strong feelings for her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Can you please help me out with any kind of advise? Sincerly.....mike

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Mike, I am 19 and my husband is 25. We started dating when I was 17 and he was 23. We go along great and whenever we fought I would always break up with him. He was also my first boyfriend. You will have to give her time. You have done a lot more living than she has. You are 5 years older than her. Be patient with her and understand that she is young. Thankfully my husband stuck by me and we are stronger than ever now that we are married. She may very well be jealous of you I know I was. Since I was so young, I thought that I wanted to be alone. But I didn't. I was VERY confused. Give it time. Maybe give her a little space, not too much though. It will all work out in the end. GOOD LUCK!!

ok, im 22 YO male and i was in a relationship for over a year with a girl that is 17. We both admitted that we was in love with each other and that we both planned on spending the rest of our lives together. I would say it was a wonderful relationship and we both was happy. Of course we had a few arguements and every time she would brake up with me but we would always work things out and get back together. She is a sweet inocent girl from a strong religious family, and she never does anything wrong. Her mother told me that i was really her first boyfriend and she is learning to be a girlfriend to me as we go along. I on the other hand am a nice guy and alway treated her and her family with 100% respect and they liked me, but im a little more wilder than her and i do some things that she can't do, and didn't approve of at first. thats what caused some of our arguements in the past. I think most of our arguments revolved around her being jealous of me because me being older than her,i can do things that she never has never done and can't. About a month ago we had an arguement and of course she broke up with me and we started talking again but now she tells me that she cares about me but doesn't know if she loves me anymore. she says she is confused and that right now she wants me and her to just be friends. She says that she see's me more like a brother figure and that she has never had a brother figure in her life and needs one. I love her so much that i would die for her and i don't know if i could be just friends with her right now because im head over heels in love with her. I don't know what to do because i think about her all the time and i have really strong feelings for her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Can you please help me out with any kind of advise? Sincerly.....mike
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Thank you Megan for the advise, My relationship seems very similar to yours and im going through something that you already been through and understand. Your advise will help me out a whole lot. I think you are 100% correct. You probably don't realize how much better you made me feel.


Thanks again Megan so very very much......your friend, Mike


Mike, I am 19 and my husband is 25. We started dating when I was 17 and he was 23. We go along great and whenever we fought I would always break up with him. He was also my first boyfriend. You will have to give her time. You have done a lot more living than she has. You are 5 years older than her. Be patient with her and understand that she is young. Thankfully my husband stuck by me and we are stronger than ever now that we are married. She may very well be jealous of you I know I was. Since I was so young, I thought that I wanted to be alone. But I didn't. I was VERY confused. Give it time. Maybe give her a little space, not too much though. It will all work out in the end. GOOD LUCK!!
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