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Another online LIAR

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I must be losing my touch. I got talking to a new guy online. He asked for my picture. I sent it and he gave a very positive response. He then called me twice, while he was out to say he will call me later.


Later - he didnt call.


He texted first thing.


I then called him at lunchtime. We had our brief first chat. It seemed ok, he wanted to meet straightaway. ( he had stated this at the beginning - as he had spent too much time on the phone with others). He wanted to meet today. I QUICKLY made an excuse up saying i was meeting a friend ( a girls gotta prepare and look her best right?). I then also said that i had a work related evening tommorow but rest of the week was ok.


He then ABRUPTLY said that he was tied up weds and thurs and was off somewhere at weekend. he then had a work meeting with his team....and got off the phone saying he would call back.


He hasnt.


What is his game. can he only meet on his terms???


can he not be flexible????


so much for the compliments.


im getting mighty sick of this.


im sat here waiting again.why do the educated upper class ones also behave as badly as the chavvy ones???

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I guess my biggest question is why do you care?


Maybe he is that way, so be glad that you didn't fall for that trap. If you're getting mighty sick of it- stop making the same mistake over and over again. You don't get different results.

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I have a buddy who is very successful with women although now happily married...


But one time he let me in on his secret life before he got married...


He did what he called "THE ROTATION" on match dot com


Basically he always had at least six women going, and told them all that he just wanted to be friends... Pretty soon the springs were creaking...


Anyway... the guys who I know that are good at online dating... at least as far as getting laid... are looking for those women who are lonely and horny enough to NEED a man right now...


They may be trying to get even with someone who dumped them, or otherwise in a low place of self esteem... such women will do whatever you tell them to...


The test these men usually use is ORDERING the woman to meet them someplace... If she just goes with it, he assumes that she is in that place where she really needs a man right now...


With so many needy women around, they don't like to waste time or money on courtship...


So be forewarned...


I'm writing a little ebook at http://www.RealSoulAnswers.com where I break down how to shift your energy so that you naturally attract what meets your needs on all levels... It really works...



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