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I can't stand liars...

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So my friends boyfriend lies constantly. We've caught him in these lies. He's lied about me and he's lied about her. He makes himself out to be so pious and hangs on to the ONE lie we told. Yet constantly we catch him in lies he's told. She's still with him and that's her decision, I haven't told her to do otherwise...but at what point is enough...enough? At what point does a guy finally get what's coming to him...and SHOULD I say something to her?:mad:

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In my experience, telling her won't make any difference. She has to make the decision on her own.


I had a friend who had a boyfriend that EVERYONE caught in hundreds of lies. He lied about every little thing you could possibly think of, but she wanted to be with someone so badly she ignored it. And she ignored us when we told her about it.


Finally, I told her that I will support her with whatever her decision is, but I can't hang out with her if he is around. And I stood by that. I still hung out with her and supported her, but she knew how I felt about him and if he was going to be somewhere I did not go.


Eventually, she finally got sick of his crap on her own and dumped him.

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In my experience, telling her won't make any difference. She has to make the decision on her own.


I had a friend who had a boyfriend that EVERYONE caught in hundreds of lies. He lied about every little thing you could possibly think of, but she wanted to be with someone so badly she ignored it. And she ignored us when we told her about it.


Finally, I told her that I will support her with whatever her decision is, but I can't hang out with her if he is around. And I stood by that. I still hung out with her and supported her, but she knew how I felt about him and if he was going to be somewhere I did not go.


Eventually, she finally got sick of his crap on her own and dumped him.

Yeah I'm hoping that will happen. I'm afraid to say anything negative because the situation is a little tricky. Her boyfriend is my ex. I don't want her to think that I want him back because that is SO not the case. I just know for a fact that she can do a lot better. And I know for a fact that he doesn't deserve her.

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