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Women with Too Many Past Sexual Partners!

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Another article from the NY Times, which suggests that elevated levels of testosterone, may also be an immune suppressant, therefore leading to more instances of STDs:




Some of that influence is a handicap. We are so used to associating testosterone with strength, masculinity and patriarchal violence that it is easy to ignore that it also makes men weaker in some respects than women. It doesn't correlate with economic power: in fact, as we have seen, blue-collar workers have more of it than white-collar workers. It gets men into trouble. For reasons no one seems to understand, testosterone may also be an immune suppressant. High levels of it can correspond, as recent studies have shown, not only with baldness but also with heart disease and a greater susceptibility to

infectious diseases. Higher levels of prostate cancer among blacks, some researchers believe, may well be related to blacks' higher testosterone levels. The aggression it can foster and the risks it encourages lead men into situations that often wound or kill them. And higher levels of testosterone-driven promiscuity make men more prone to sexually transmitted diseases.

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Higher testosterone also leads to increased confidence, sexual assertiveness, and muscle mass. A well-built, confident man is naturally going to be more sexually attractive than a fat, insecure guy.

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I found an article which theorizes the correlation between testosterone and cheating, from the American Psychological Association.




High testosterone levels can also be found in males who lean towards promiscuity.


While there's never a set formula for reasons of promiscuity or cheating, you can draw some scientific parallels, based on testosterone levels.


But global warming is also correlated with the decline in pirates.



So by your logic, if anything, you should support people being swarthy and looking for booty.

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These articles also don't explain promiscuous women. Even a guy who's testosterone is considered low for a man is still going to have a level of testosterone an order of magnitude greater than women.

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An article from Psychology Today that theorizes that promiscuity can be caused by both very cold selfish people or very warm unselfish people. Extreme types, where most other people, fall somewhere inbetween.:


People who sleep around are called a lot of things. "Warm" is not typically one of them (although another w word is quite popular). But sex can mean many things for many people, so who's to judge?


Scientists. In a study, Patrick and Charlotte Markey of Villanova and Rutgers universities, respectively, explored the interpersonal meaning of sexual promiscuity by charting personality traits against number of bedmates. Dominance upped the numbers—wallflowers stay sidelined—but a stranger statistic popped up. Those who are very warm and those who are very cold get around more than people in between. The pattern holds for both men and women and manifests in number of playpals for acts ranging from sucking face to doing the deed.


The Markeys suggest that cold people may play the field because they avoid serious relationships and the attendant risk of rejection. Or maybe these heartbreakers just want to have as much fun as possible with no regard for the feelings of others.


But not every Casanova is a cad. According to Patrick, "some people might sleep with multiple partners not because they are selfish but because they view sexual activity as an extremely warm activity and want to share it with others."



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At present, I'm only interested in the male aspect of promiscuity. It's up to you guys to figure out the female aspect of promiscuity.

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It's up to you guys to figure out the female aspect of promiscuity.


How are we supposed to figure that out if we don't engage in field research? :rolleyes:

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How are we supposed to figure that out if we don't engage in field research? :rolleyes:

Why don't you find valid credentialled sites and articles to link, to disprove my links?

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Why don't you find valid credentialled sites and articles to link, to disprove my links?


Because I'm not interested in male promiscuity, I'm interested in female promiscuity ;) . Researchers don't publish the names and numbers of their case studies, so really, there's not much point in me looking at scientific articles about promiscuity.


This is getting silly. I issue is: if someone has different life experiences than you, different patterns of behavior, in general, they are unlikely to be compatible with you. So for you, Leoni, someone with 20+ sexual partners is less likely to possess similar values in other areas. I do believe that. It's best to be with someone whose values about sex and relationships are similar to yours. It's not about the number, it is about how well your values and attitudes align. You are wise to be cautious if someone has what you would consider a promiscuous past, but they can still be a perfectly fine person and make a good friend for you. Having more sexual partners does not, by itself, make someone more likely to cheat and means little about the integrity of that person.

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Higher testosterone also leads to increased confidence, sexual assertiveness, and muscle mass. A well-built, confident man is naturally going to be more sexually attractive than a fat, insecure guy.


A well-built, confident man is naturally going to be more sexually attractive than a fat, insecure guy.


I would think soooo.:p:laugh:



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Because I'm not interested in male promiscuity, I'm interested in female promiscuity ;) . Researchers don't publish the names and numbers of their case studies, so really, there's not much point in me looking at scientific articles about promiscuity.


This is getting silly. I issue is: if someone has different life experiences than you, different patterns of behavior, in general, they are unlikely to be compatible with you. So for you, Leoni, someone with 20+ sexual partners is less likely to possess similar values in other areas. I do believe that. It's best to be with someone whose values about sex and relationships are similar to yours. It's not about the number, it is about how well your values and attitudes align. You are wise to be cautious if someone has what you would consider a promiscuous past, but they can still be a perfectly fine person and make a good friend for you. Having more sexual partners does not, by itself, make someone more likely to cheat and means little about the integrity of that person.

You've just reiterated pretty much everything I've posted in this thread. One exception is that I do believe that there's a higher risk that someone cheats in future, if they've had a promiscuous past. It's geared towards a number of reasons, of which some are moral and value based and others have some scientific foundation or can be scientifically correlated.


One more time, there's no cookie-cutter for every person. Anything scientific can be offset by psychological composition.

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I do believe that there's a higher risk that someone cheats in future, if they've had a promiscuous past.


I think a promiscuous person who has never cheated, however, is not significantly more likely to cheat (and if someone cheats on you again, they are an idiot, and the only sexual act they deserve in the future is a two-liter bottle of cement shoved up their arse :love:). People who have cheated in the past, I agree, are more likely to be promiscuous.


I haven't read those studies you mentioned, but I doubt they've concluded that promiscuous people who have never cheated by age 28, let's say, have a greater likelihood of cheating in the future. I'd wager the conclusion is that people who have cheated have a greater likelihood of being promiscuous in the future.

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I think a promiscuous person who has never cheated, however, is not significantly more likely to cheat (and if someone cheats on you again, they are an idiot, and the only sexual act they deserve in the future is a two-liter bottle of cement shoved up their arse :love:). People who have cheated in the past, I agree, are more likely to be promiscuous.


I haven't read those studies you mentioned, but I doubt they've concluded that promiscuous people who have never cheated by age 28, let's say, have a greater likelihood of cheating in the future. I'd wager the conclusion is that people who have cheated have a greater likelihood of being promiscuous in the future.

Make it a bottle of coke or pepsi, with a mentos dropped in, and we have an agreement over future punishment. ;)


As for the rest, studies are generic, not necessarily age specific or directional specific. Each person needs to draw their own conclusions and decide what their standards are, in order to find a partner. :)

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But not every Casanova is a cad. According to Patrick, "some people might sleep with multiple partners not because they are selfish but because they view sexual activity as an extremely warm activity and want to share it with others."


This is the group I fall into. :cool:


At present, I'm only interested in the male aspect of promiscuity. It's up to you guys to figure out the female aspect of promiscuity.


In other words, you're a misandrist.

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Sex is an enjoyable thing. As one of my buddies said the other night "there's a reason there's 6 million people..."

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Sex is an enjoyable thing. As one of my buddies said the other night "there's a reason there's 6 million people..."


Someone should tell your buddy it's 6 billion. ;)

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As a woman, I would NEVER date a man who had lots of partners. I would rather stay single and die alone.


I am a woman who would NEVER date a man with a lot of partners, the fewer the better. It has NOTHING to do with morals since I don't have high or strict morals at all. It's all about jealousy.


It's about my ego. I don't like the thought of other women having been there before me. I would be constantly in my mind in competition with them. I would be obsessed knowing what the women looked like, if they were hotter than me, better in bed, more successful, made more money than me, had a better personality, if he liked them more.


It makes NO DIFFERENCE that people on here like to say "Ohh but he's with you NOW, he picked you for a reason." It makes no difference to me, I would still obsess about the other women.


To me, I would think that a man who already has had lots of partners already knows WHAT IS OUT THERE, he's had SO MANY WOMEN, why would he want me? How could I compare? How could I ever measure up? And I truly believe that once a man has had a taste of variety he cannot go back to being monogamous. All men want to screw as MANY women as possible, it's encoded in their dna. Once they had a taste of that they cannot go back. A man who has had many partners is dangerous, he knows how thrilling it can be to have sex with lots of DIFFERENT women.


With a guy who has had none or few partners it's more like blank slate that I can paint on. I can be the first and the last.


I don't want used goods. Also, there's not much a man can do for me that I can't do for myself.

Edited by cutegirl
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Someone should tell your buddy it's 6 billion. ;)


lol oops, typo. i feel smart now. Actually it's closer to 7 billion. I looked it up about a month or two ago and it was about 6.8 i believe. yikes.

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As a woman, I would NEVER date a man who had lots of partners. I would rather stay single and die alone.


I am a woman who would NEVER date a man with a lot of partners, the fewer the better. It has NOTHING to do with morals since I don't have high or strict morals at all. It's all about jealousy.


It's about my ego. I don't like the thought of other women having been there before me. I would be constantly in my mind in competition with them. I would be obsessed knowing what the women looked like, if they were hotter than me, better in bed, more successful, made more money than me, had a better personality, if he liked them more.


It makes NO DIFFERENCE that people on here like to say "Ohh but he's with you NOW, he picked you for a reason." It makes no difference to me, I would still obsess about the other women.


To me, I would think that a man who already has had lots of partners already knows WHAT IS OUT THERE, he's had SO MANY WOMEN, why would he want me? How could I compare? How could I ever measure up? And I truly believe that once a man has had a taste of variety he cannot go back to being monogamous. All men want to screw as MANY women as possible, it's encoded in their dna. Once they had a taste of that they cannot go back. A man who has had many partners is dangerous, he knows how thrilling it can be to have sex with lots of DIFFERENT women.


With a guy who has had none or few partners it's more like blank slate that I can paint on. I can be the first and the last.


I don't want used goods. Also, there's not much a man can do for me that I can't do for myself.


You should work on your insecurity issues. I guarantee you that this is not the only place they will manifest themselves.

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The jealousy part I can understand but this:


All men want to screw as MANY women as possible, it's encoded in their dna.


...makes no sense. Man-hating, archaic beliefs aside, let's just assume this is true (even though it isn't) for the sake of argument. If this were the case, then what would the number matter? If a man is "wired to cheat" he's going to do so at the first opportunity regardless of how many women he's been with in the past.


lol oops, typo. i feel smart now. Actually it's closer to 7 billion. I looked it up about a month or two ago and it was about 6.8 i believe. yikes.


Bow chicka bow wow... :bunny::bunny:

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...makes no sense. Man-hating, archaic beliefs aside, let's just assume this is true (even though it isn't) for the sake of argument. If this were the case, then what would the number matter? If a man is "wired to cheat" he's going to do so at the first opportunity regardless of how many women he's been with in the past.





This really IS true, even some men I debated this with on some other forums told me the same thing. The way he explained it was that men can continue to have sex and sperminate other women, while a woman gets pregnant and that's it for her for 9 months! While the man can still continue to sow his wild oats.


You have to admit that it's in a man's nature to spread his seed, it so that he can propagate the human species.

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You have to admit that it's in a man's nature to spread his seed, it so that he can propagate the human species.


That's not true at all. From the selfish gene perspective, it is best served to selectively choose my mates, because I'd be best served if my offspring grew up successful. This is honestly one reason for monogamy. It gives the best chance of my offspring having everything they need to grow up, live a better life, and eventually propagate my genes. Obviously, a few partners would be most beneficial, but not sleeping with anything attractive that has a pulse. Our nature is to selectively choose the best mates we can attract. Our nature is to be selective, so while that may mean more than one, it certainly doesn't mean sleep with anyone.

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