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Jealous over nothing?

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So heres the deal...I'm friends with a girl that I met just a few weeks ago. We hit it off instantly and have a lot of fun together. Her boyfriend however can't stand me because: He's my ex. In fact, recently he posted on this site asking what to do about the situation. In this post he referred to me as a bad influence, a bad person etc.. I want to set the record straight. I have done bad things yes. But I am not a bad person. Nor am I a bad influence. And might I let everyone know that the reason he believed me to be a bad influence was because his now ex girlfriend actually stood up to him about something. I never stood up to him when I should have, so how was I to influence this? And as for him saying that he was completely honest with the both of us? Pure bull. The reason he didn't want us talking is because he knew we'd find out how full of crap he was. And to point fingers at me and call me a bad person when he told me flat out that he was only using me...yeah...who's bad? And as for him thinking she cheated? He's paranoid. We never did anything together other than hang out, but if he's so paranoid he believes otherwise, that's his problem. But he really should be honest with himself before he tries to twist things to suit him. And that is exactly what he did when he posted on here. He twisted things to suit him. That is all I have to say about the situation. I joined just so I could put my two cents in, and that is done. So good day. :)

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