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She wants me to go out with other girls...I'm having mid life crisis at 17

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Hi everyone, my name is fadi, im 17 and ive loved this girl since 8th grade, and things started evolving between us, as much as they did we never were more than friends, untill one day i asked her a 4th time and she said yes, and that only lasted 5months and she broke it off, and we stayed friends, that happened exactly last year and i was ok with it, so i waited and all these amazing things happened between us, and i could never understand why we couldnt be together, so this year we had something really speacial, we had so much feelings for each other, but we didn't do anything about it.. one day i was talking to her

and she said i'm busy now i'll talk to you later, and i was understanding and i told her sure and she never called or anything for a week so i thought she didn't want me anymore and that she was blowing me off, and then i met this other girl, who seemed to have intreset in me and that seemed nice, we talked and i never said anything that was other than what friends would talk and i never touched her and she figgured out that what i had with the other girl for 4 years, and she was going stop obviously thinking about me, and i told her yea

i do love her, but i don't know, she's driving me crazy, so lets stay friends for now, and see what happens, a few days later, i get a message that why she disappeared was cause her mom was in the hospital and she was too busy taking care of her, and i felt so dumb and i wish i never said anything, and after that we went out, and i told the new girl that we should act as if nothing happened, a few days later, the first girl tells me that she loves me, and that she loves me soo much, that she wants to go to the same university with me and that she can live with leaving her family, friends, best friends but not me, so i started to feel guilty, and i wanted everything to be pure, so i told her and i was honest with her, and she didn't take it well, it's like she didn't know me, and that i became smaller in her eyes, and at that time i was going throught the pressure of exams and family and everything, and i wasn't thinking, and i forgot about how speacial we were, and just rememberd that we were only friends... i don't want to feel like the guy who cheated or wanted to , i'm only 17, i really love this girl, but i panicked, i had my midd life crisis now, and i didn't do anything, i just wanted to know for myself that no one is as speacial as her, and i don't know, everything was going to be perfect, and now she tells me i need to go out with other girls while we are on a break so i can get it out of my system, or we won't ever get back together, i told her i'll wait for aslong as i have to, but i won't go out with any1 but you, and that i learned, i had to do the mistake to learn from it, and i learned from the best of the worse... what should i do.... :( pleasee

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Wow your all over the place with this post just a suggestion next time when makeing such a large post break it up into paragrahs you will get more responses.


Um I don't get it honestly so you were friends with a girl who you hoped for more with?? and then the girl dident talk to you for a while so you starting talking to another girl?


Or were you actualy in Rs with these girls?? it sounds like you were just friends with bouth of them and if thats the case then the 1st one has nothing to realy be upset about maybe I'm reading this wrong I dunno..

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Thanks, your right, it's just i don't know how to fix this... and we were just friends but we meant more to each other..


and this all happened on a period of 4 years, from when i started the beggining was the 1st year till the 4th today...

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