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cocaine and speed

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Could anyone tell me the signs of someone using speed is? Also why do people use cocaine and speed? How do they make you feel and also how many lines of coke do people normally do, a very close friend of mine maybe doing these as she has got involved with dodgy people so i want to find out as mush as poss. thank you x

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Small pupils, chatty, overactive jaw, glassy eyes and eventually nosebleeds.


A line up each nostril usually gets people high.

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Get the hell away from that "friend" charlie55!


If that's what she's doing, she's in over her head. Everybody who does that sh*t thinks they're "in control", oh-my-God!


Doctors have lost their licenses!


Attorneys have lost their licenses!


Real Estate Brokers have lost their lisences!


The list of well educated, intelligent, successful people who have lost everything because of that sh*t is staggering.


The only people who it doesn't effect are people who don't have anything to lose to begin with!


If you try to "help" your "friend", you'll get dragged into it too.


Emotional instability is probably the most damaging aspect. If you have to do drugs to be happy and have a good time... it's just sad... really, really sad.


See how bad it is? You aren't even the one doing it, and it's effecting you! That's called co-dependency!


Save yourself some heartache and cut your friend loose!

Edited by Always Wrong
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Could anyone tell me the signs of someone using speed is? Also why do people use cocaine and speed? How do they make you feel and also how many lines of coke do people normally do, a very close friend of mine maybe doing these as she has got involved with dodgy people so i want to find out as mush as poss. thank you x



amaysngrace was right on & I'll add a couple things. If someone uses consistently they will begin to become paranoid & think people are after them or looking for them. Picking on their skin that creates scabs & then pick some more. Detailed cleaning or detailed projects, not necessarily done by every user. Decreased or no appetite which results in weight loss.


Why & how it feels can be answered together: It gives a sense that everything is great & you can do endless things with no limits. Once tried, a person wants to feel that great again. Even though the coming down can be worse than a persons worst alcohol hangover, the good feeling is too tempting to pass up.


I'm fortunate enough to have a personality where I can quit habits cold turkey & never look back. I did that & haven't touched speed in 18 years & now worry about damage I may have done to myself.


Good luck with your friend. I hope you're wrong about her drug use. It can be the beginning of the end for some people.

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