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Increasing Her Sexual Desires

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In a relationship where I feel as though I am the one who always has to "start" everything, all the time. Sex is great but does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get her to "start" every now and then? :confused:

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Perhaps.. when she gets out of the shower, be ready to give her a good.. (not sexual) rub down ONLY. you give her a massage and then she will get excited but DO NOT pursue sex. You leave her hanging and see how she reacts. Chances are she will want to do the deed...

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Not enough information from you really. Did she ever use to initiate more often? Does she not initiate sex out of 1) not as high a sex drive, 2) because she has ideas about gender roles and who should initiate in a relationship, for some girls that's as ingrained as ideas about who should be the one proposing, 3) because she doesn't feel comfortable doing so?


Biggest question: have you brought up that it would make you feel more appreciated and desired if she showed you how much she wanted you ever once in a while, without you having to start things? If you have, how did she respond? If you haven't, why not?

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What Astrological sign is she? (assuming that you are, in fact a Scorpio)

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Well it also depends on how new the sexual relationship is. Have you been together long? Maybe you should find someone else..or talk about it openly with her and say "Hey, look I feel as though I start most of our sexual encounters, maybe next time you could spend a little more time on me." Although, I wouldn't put the "you" in there. Also, you could have fantasy nights. For instance every monday and wednesday are her nights and saturdays or fridays are yours. Best advice is to be open about the problem. I don't have this kind of problem haha Usually I'm the one who wants to pleasure the male not vice-versa. Kissing a woman's neck usually(at least in my experience) turns them on to doing things for you too;)

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best way is this:




start turning her on by kissing her neck, massaging her (slowly, down by her thighs), getting her all turned on and worked up. Then stop. Tell her that you forgot that you had something else to do. (Do this once or twice a day)


This'll really make her crave you as you just got her worked into the mood and its stopped. Keep doing this until she finally cannot take it anymore and just rips your clothes off and you'll have great, great sex.


Yes, this did work for me. Plus it adds another dimension of the sexual aspect of the relationship. (Its pretty fun to watch a girl whose in the mood react when you don't take it all the way.)

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