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Re: sensitive girlfriend?

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this is my case, i call my girlfriend and she sounds busy doing something with her friends so i told her that i'll just call her when she reaches home but she insists that we just talk inspite the noisy background. i got pissed off coz she like talked to her friends instead of me so i told her that i'll just call after 15 min. she said its ok but i fell asleep after 15 min. now we broke up just because i didnt call. i love her so much and losing her will be like hell for me. what should i do? i admit it was my fault but cant i do something to fix this problem?

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Totally Confused

Do you really want this girl? She's not being very understanding. If she broke up with you over this little thing and she's not going to be at all forgiving, then she's just looking for an excuse to break up with you. Unless you forget to call her all the time, then it's a different story. If she's trying to punish you and control you, then she'll take you back in a couple of days. THe fact that she was willing to talk to you, even though her friends were there, shows that she does like you and want to talk to you, which means, she doesn't really want to break up with you and you are only being punished (very manipulative tactic). When she tells you she wants to talk and take you back in a couple of days...say no and you'll see her get upset. She won't ever play games like that with you ever again. Just sit back and relax, I don't think it's over, but it's up to you to decide whether you want someone who has to punish in order to get what she wants, instead of working it out and being an understanding adult.

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i think that she took it to hard. she should not be mad because you fell asleep. if i were you i would not want someone that is going to dump me because i didn't call her. or because i fell asleep. i think you could find some one alot better that will love you and won't get mad at you for fall asleep. think about it. it sounds a little childesh

Do you really want this girl? She's not being very understanding. If she broke up with you over this little thing and she's not going to be at all forgiving, then she's just looking for an excuse to break up with you. Unless you forget to call her all the time, then it's a different story. If she's trying to punish you and control you, then she'll take you back in a couple of days. THe fact that she was willing to talk to you, even though her friends were there, shows that she does like you and want to talk to you, which means, she doesn't really want to break up with you and you are only being punished (very manipulative tactic). When she tells you she wants to talk and take you back in a couple of days...say no and you'll see her get upset. She won't ever play games like that with you ever again. Just sit back and relax, I don't think it's over, but it's up to you to decide whether you want someone who has to punish in order to get what she wants, instead of working it out and being an understanding adult.
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