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When I was in university, a friend of mine introduced me to some very interesting "erotic fiction" that was written pre-1900. The Victorians, while prudish on the outside, wrote some of the freakiest stuff I have EVER come across, and I've done some looking.:D I mean, really kinked-out, name an illegal act and it was there kind of freaky.

I think the difference is that society, in general, is a little more open about sex than it has been in the past. The Victorian gentlemen would have had to be fairly covert and secretive about getting his porn collection together. Couldn't just log on, although it seems that many men seem to need/like the secretive aspect of looking at porn, judging from all the lying about it that goes on.

I disagree with you, Jesse. I think many men and some women have always been interested in looking at naked bodies and sexual scenes/acts. I think that certain sectors of society have just become very efficient at getting their product into the hands/eyes of the consumer. And it is more permissable now, which also makes it easier. But I think the desire for porn came first, and the abundance of it came second.


Hah, my first exposure to porn was "The Story of O" and a collection of erotic stories from a magazine called "The Pearl" which was published from 1879-1880.

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When I was in university, a friend of mine introduced me to some very interesting "erotic fiction" that was written pre-1900. The Victorians, while prudish on the outside, wrote some of the freakiest stuff I have EVER come across, and I've done some looking.:D I mean, really kinked-out, name an illegal act and it was there kind of freaky.


I do know what you mean... I was in a sex shop once and saw a picture book of really old erotic photos... freaky stuff there too. I was surprised to say the least! :D


I think the difference is that society, in general, is a little more open about sex than it has been in the past. The Victorian gentlemen would have had to be fairly covert and secretive about getting his porn collection together. Couldn't just log on, although it seems that many men seem to need/like the secretive aspect of looking at porn, judging from all the lying about it that goes on.


Can't disagree with that.


I disagree with you, Jesse. I think many men and some women have always been interested in looking at naked bodies and sexual scenes/acts. I think that certain sectors of society have just become very efficient at getting their product into the hands/eyes of the consumer. And it is more permissable now, which also makes it easier. But I think the desire for porn came first, and the abundance of it came second.


Well yes, I'm not disagreeing with that. I just feel that the abundance seems to oversaturate if not attempt encourage a desire that might not have even been there to begin with. I mean, look at all the porn spams that get sent to email accounts, or porn links that come up when one is not even looking for that, etc. To someone who's not into it, it's practically invasive. I just feel that this suggestion (by the production companies, obviously, but also echoed in many individual people's opinions) that it's something that everybody does, and by the distributors' seemingly desperate insistence, that everyone should do, doesn't exactly reflect natural levels of desire for it. Just offering the point of view here of someone who has no interest in it... it really can come off as creepy.

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Wow I can’t believe topics like this are still hot, but as long as their are people (women mostly) having a problem with porn, it’s endless.


I had a difference of opinion about this and have posted it on other threads but I agree with what some have said. If he’s willing to stop watching porn because those are your terms in a relationship then you have every right to feel that way; whether you’re in denial of your insecurity, admit you’re insecure, or against all things that are wrong.


A woman listening to a male’s perspective on porn is the best understand you’ll ever get. Any opinions from a woman are rhetoric unless they’re explanations was given to them by a man. It’s like a guy asking a guy why women like romance. Haha! Just illogic!


If your partner likes lesbian porn then there’s a problem. He just might be looking at it for the sole attraction of women. If he’s choosing to watch porn than have sex with you then there’s a problem.


Now if he’s watching straight porn maybe you need to reconsider your jealously and ask him. You can’t dictate his thoughts. You have no idea what’s going through his head when watching that type of porn. Most men watch it for the “act of sex”… Regardless of how ugly you think the guy is in the porn, he’s still there having sex with the women. It's the image of point A going in and out of point B... Nothing more (in the majority of cases)! Trust me! Most guys watch porn when their girlfriend/wife is not around or sleep. You should reconsider this system!!! This may sound nonsensical to some women, but more often, he’s taking your feelings of not being in the mood into consideration. He doesn’t want you to feel like you’re being used when you don’t want to have sex; and that’s a big turn off for most men. So he turns on porn to get that sexual frustration out. Now some may say that he should learn how to control himself but not everyone is the same. A lot of people have higher libido than their partner. Some monogamist people are just addicted to having sex. Why do people label this as being so wrong? A lot of people are addicted to junk food which is unhealthy and filled with cancer causing chemicals but you don’t hear people complaining about that.


What gets me is if you’re going to say porn is wrong then you need discontinue watching and hearing everything else that is wrong. Violence is wrong but we sit back and pop in a Bruce Willis movie, watch CSI, and Law & Order. We watch reality TV shows where groups of people derogate one another with profanity while plotting to harm one another mentally and physically. You’re promoting this garbage just as much as you feel men promote porn. Women look like dictators when they only look at porn as immoral. But hey, every person has their own subjective feelings of what is justly.

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Most men fantasize about other women while they are having sex. That's just based on studies done. You really think it would be exciting and interesting to them to think about you all the time and whenever he gets turned on? Let's be real now!

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It's the image of point A going in and out of point B... Nothing more (in the majority of cases)!


AlwaysTomorrow, this is what bf says he thinks about during sex. I don't believe it necessarily has to be a fantasy about an entirely different person altogether :rolleyes:


I don't know why so many people suggest that men by nature have to have a different flavor every week, even in their minds. So many times I see that argument go hand in hand with 'men can't be with the same person for the rest of their lives', 'all guys cheat', 'men can't be monogamous', 'all guys look at porn'. Maybe it's the fact that so many people are apologists for those kinds of things that influences how far those "truths" reach. Some people might perceive me as lame for thinking the way I do (for example, believing that two people can be very much in love for the rest of their lives and have no desire to be with or even fantasize about someone else), but I'd rather have that than be one of the jaded souls who have accommodated to what everyone around them is parroting. [/rant]



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does the fact that society glorifies porn now have anything to do with it? I find it hard to believe that it doesn't. I also find it hard to believe that the fact that we still live in a patriarchal society has nothing to do with it either


I totally agree with that. I have watched porn with boyfriends in an attempt to be more open and most of those girls didn’t even look like they were getting anything all that much out of it. I also agree that living in a patriarchal society plays a big part. At the end of the day, men still rule the world. I just wish men were more understanding of where women were coming from on this issue.


Well yes, I'm not disagreeing with that. I just feel that the abundance seems to oversaturate if not attempt encourage a desire that might not have even been there to begin with. ……, doesn't exactly reflect natural levels of desire for it.


Again I completely agree with this. It goes hand in hand with everything else that society gorges itself on from food to our big over priced SUVs. It is funny though that being over-weight and over-indulging in food is “bad”, and being over indulged in sex and porn is “good” or is how men define themselves. Not only is it creepy but there is something really sad about the amount of men today that define themselves through their porn. How many guys say that they are guys and will look at porn and sound pround of it? How many guys are sitting infront of their computer and tv's engaging in an activity alone with a electronic device? How many men defend porn over their own women and make excuses for it over real women?



[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Now if he’s watching straight porn maybe you need to reconsider your jealously and ask him.[/FONT][/COLOR]


Well, in all honestly. As natural as it is for him to be turned on by watching porn, it is equally as natural for a woman to feel threatened and hurt by this. Add in the fact of the breast "enhancements" and the fact that the majority of porn is focused around a limited age group for women, maybe he should be the one to reconsider?


You can’t dictate his thoughts. You have no idea what’s going through his head when watching that type of porn. Most men watch it for the “act of sex”…


And the act of sex requires women. I understand what you are saying but men are attracted to women. It is reasonable enough to assume that when he is watching a porno he is looking at a hot girl and thinking about having sex with her. It isn’t has separate as you would like to have women believe. We know he isn’t thinking about the guy in the movie because most porn focuses on the body of the woman. It is about the act of sex, it is also about the hot girl.


Most guys watch porn when their girlfriend/wife is not around or sleep. You should reconsider this system!!! This may sound nonsensical to some women, but more often, he’s taking your feelings of not being in the mood into consideration


But if a woman is hurt by this, is he really taking her feelings into consideration or is he taking his own feelings into consideration? A man looking at porn of other women isn’t some benevolent act designed to respect women and more importantly, respect his own woman. Even if you try to spin it that way. If he is looking at porn it is safe to say he is more concerned with his feelings at the time and his needs, then he ever is of his SOs. I think it is really shoddy to try and pawn that off as a man being so considerate of his SO. The fact that he is seeking out and getting off to other women has nothing to do with being considerate of his SO's feelings or the committment he claims he is making.


A lot of people are addicted to junk food which is unhealthy and filled with cancer causing chemicals but you don’t hear people complaining about that.


Actually, you do. Alot of men complain about their wives eating habits and being overweight. But for some reason over eating on food is looked down on but over indulging in sex and porn isn't. When they are really triggered by the same mechnism to indulge.



What gets me is if you’re going to say porn is wrong then you need discontinue watching and hearing everything else that is wrong. Violence is wrong but we sit back and pop in a Bruce Willis movie......Women look like dictators when they only look at porn as immoral.



There are lots of things that are immoral but there is something different about porn for obvious reasons that strikes at the heart of a woman and the heart of her femininity. Porn gives men a strong feeling. Porn makes men feel more like men. However, it doesn’t make a woman feel more like a woman sometimes. It doesn’t treat women with respect and it exploits every natural insecurity women have about their body and their place in their man’s life.


Porn can strike a different cord for the simple fact that it is something that envovles the sexual nature between men and women. Bruce Willis movies don’t attack women in the same way for obvious reasons. So while there are other immoral medias out there, there is something about pornography that for obvious reasons strikes a cord with many women. And I don’t see how you can’t be a man or woman not to see or understand the reasons behind that.

Edited by JerseyShortie
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I'm just going to throw this out there for the hell of it...


I used to cheat on my boyfriends left and right, and I had no qualms about it. I'm not unfamiliar with what it feels like by any means. Now I'm on the straight and narrow, but to be perfectly honest with you, if I visualize myself having sex with someone other than my bf, I feel like I've gotten halfway there [to cheating].

Now I am what you would call a mental monogamist. I believe in being faithful with my body, as well as with my mind. I may be an oddity, but I don't see anything wrong with it at all.

Society encourages sexual fantasies about others as "the norm". Stats show that divorces are at an all time high, and that infidelity occurs in relationships more often than not. Hmm. Make of that what you will.

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AlwaysTomorrow, this is what bf says he thinks about during sex. I don't believe it necessarily has to be a fantasy about an entirely different person altogether :rolleyes:


I don't know why so many people suggest that men by nature have to have a different flavor every week, even in their minds. So many times I see that argument go hand in hand with 'men can't be with the same person for the rest of their lives', 'all guys cheat', 'men can't be monogamous', 'all guys look at porn'. Maybe it's the fact that so many people are apologists for those kinds of things that influences how far those "truths" reach. Some people might perceive me as lame for thinking the way I do (for example, believing that two people can be very much in love for the rest of their lives and have no desire to be with or even fantasize about someone else), but I'd rather have that than be one of the jaded souls who have accommodated to what everyone around them is parroting. [/rant]





I agree... I never had the need to think about another woman. It's the act that is arousing when watching porn, especially a straight one... 80% of porn shows genital activity... That's way guys don't watch erotic movies like ones that are shown on Showtime, regardless of how attractive the women are. ;)

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Actually, you do. Alot of men complain about their wives eating habits and being overweight. But for some reason over eating on food is looked down on but over indulging in sex and porn isn't. When they are really triggered by the same mechnism to indulge.


Well that goes both ways. Some people find over indulging in sex and porn wrong and some find over indulging in unhealthy food is wrong. Eating unhealthy foods in society is less sensitive than porn though. Especially if you're looking from a religious stand point. It's up to a persons upbring that determines what's worse than.



There are lots of things that are immoral but there is something different about porn for obvious reasons that strikes at the heart of a woman and the heart of her femininity. Porn gives men a strong feeling. Porn makes men feel more like men. However, it doesn’t make a woman feel more like a woman sometimes. It doesn’t treat women with respect and it exploits every natural insecurity women have about their body and their place in their man’s life.


I believe it does, but that is a decision left up to the individual (preferably women). Someone once told me that the mirror is a woman's worse enemy. Women have let men/society give them a sense of what beauty is. Women gave men that empowerment....


If sex degrades women, then I feel sorry for those who feel that way. Not all porn is male dominance. On the contrary, why do men like to have dominance? Not necessary rape but the power to be in full control of pleasuring a woman. That's what most porn is about. Maybe it's innate. Maybe it's because of the influence women have on sex. Women in society put a lot of pressure on men with ridicule about not wanting to have a one minute man, or a man that can completely pleasure his woman; to taking over. That's a form of control. I feel it's innate for men to want to be dominant, and when seen, it enhances the feeling. I don't think it's something taught.



Porn can strike a different cord for the simple fact that it is something that envovles the sexual nature between men and women. Bruce Willis movies don’t attack women in the same way for obvious reasons. So while there are other immoral medias out there, there is something about pornography that for obvious reasons strikes a cord with many women. And I don’t see how you can’t be a man or woman not to see or understand the reasons behind that.


See! That's your subjective feelings on it. Action and Horror movies inflict gruesome violence on another human being (mostly men). Which is really odd that some women don't find worse or the same as porn. I think nowadays anything that shows dominance by men towards women offends and frightens most women.

Edited by Hyperpen12000
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I think women (remember, we haven't even had the vote for 100 years yet!) are still very sensitive to anything that smacks of subjugation or hate. Think of any other marginalized/abused segment of society (African-Americans for example) and imagine how they would feel if there sites where they were treated in a derogatory manner. You wouldn't be allowed to post it, it would fall under the jurisdiction of hate crime. So don't be surprised that women have a negative response to anything that seems like an attempt to put them back in their place.

Some porn is very hateful. I've seen sites (and quickly switched them off) that show women being raped, hurt, made to drink fluids that have just been deposited into specific orifices in their bodies. That stuff makes me sick, angry and totally grossed out by the men involved.

On the other hand, some porn still has a bit of an edge, but it's about extreme pleasure, not abuse or humiliation. That is the kind of stuff that I can get into.

It's not all about male over female dominance, as my h can attest ;)

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I agree... I never had the need to think about another woman. It's the act that is arousing when watching porn, especially a straight one... 80% of porn shows genital activity... That's way guys don't watch erotic movies like ones that are shown on Showtime, regardless of how attractive the women are. ;)


Right, that's what I imagine what it would be about, it just causes an automatic reaction to see the act. Personally I'm not into porn, for whatever reason, the graphic images don't do anything for me. But for example, I remember when we went to go see that latest Underworld movie together, with that scene in the trailer hitch or whatever? Put me in a total mood for later :D

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I think women (remember, we haven't even had the vote for 100 years yet!) are still very sensitive to anything that smacks of subjugation or hate. Think of any other marginalized/abused segment of society (African-Americans for example) and imagine how they would feel if there sites where they were treated in a derogatory manner. You wouldn't be allowed to post it, it would fall under the jurisdiction of hate crime. So don't be surprised that women have a negative response to anything that seems like an attempt to put them back in their place.

Some porn is very hateful. I've seen sites (and quickly switched them off) that show women being raped, hurt, made to drink fluids that have just been deposited into specific orifices in their bodies. That stuff makes me sick, angry and totally grossed out by the men involved.

On the other hand, some porn still has a bit of an edge, but it's about extreme pleasure, not abuse or humiliation. That is the kind of stuff that I can get into.

It's not all about male over female dominance, as my h can attest ;)


I agree, some porn goes way too far! I agree with your husband too. It's not always about male over female dominance but the majority of sex is a man taking control which most women don't subjectively see when they're being pleasured.


Sex its more of an indulgence to every race and gender (men more than women). If you look at it from a strong feminist stand point all heterosexuals porn would seem degrading. No one is forcing these people in the porn to do any they don't want to. That's against the law. There is a lot of BDSM porn (bondage, discipline, dominance and submission) with women towards men, and women towards women.


I think men taking control of sex with the intent to pleasure (in a nonconsensual , brutal, and forceful way) is innate, and for the most part, women like. That's what we see in most heterosexual porn. I think if women who find porn in general degrading towards women, looked at themselves from the out side in having sex, they would probably feel a bit hypocritical. Also not all of heterosexual porn is 100% retrocopulation (doggy style) and missionary position. Women do get on top showing that they can take control and pleasure their male partner as well.


Realistically, how many women can say that after a porn their partners were intimate with them in a forceful/degrading way?

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If you come to think about it ladies the sex you see in romantic movies where the guy is smooth, passionate and elegant is more fantasy than porn!:lmao:




If you record yourself having sex with your partner you would be surprise at how it isn’t like those romantic slow motioned movies.

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If you record yourself having sex with your partner you would be surprise at how it isn’t like those romantic slow motioned movies.


Ahem, actually we have done that :o And I have to rephrase what I said earlier... although I don't get off watching the graphic act between strangers, our own personal little movies tend to have an entirely different effect! :laugh:

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Ahem, actually we have done that :o And I have to rephrase what I said earlier... although I don't get off watching the graphic act between strangers, our own personal little movies tend to have an entirely different effect! :laugh:



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This thread is very interesting, I like hearing everyone's different view on pornography.


Personally, I love it. I watch it multiple times a week, and use it for it's intended purpose.... ;)


But, that is probably because my wife and I don't have a healthy sex life, she doesn't like sex, and I love it. I want it all the time, and she wants it.... once every two weeks or so. And even when we have it, it is always on her terms.


So I use pornography out of necessity, and I would love not having to watch it. I would definately stop watching it if I was satisfied in the bedroom.




Why do men even have to look at porn? Why can't they just be happy with what they have and like be loyal and junk? It ends up hurting alot of women.



For me, no, I can't be happy with what I have. Men have needs too. watching porn doesn't make you not loyal in my book, I am not WITH the women in the movies. A lot of things women do hurt a lot of men as well.

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Some people find over indulging in sex and porn wrong and some find over indulging in unhealthy food is wrong. Eating unhealthy foods in society is less sensitive than porn though.


Most people think eating unhealthy foods is wrong. Being fat is something that most people don't like, don't want to be, and make fun of others for. (Most, not all. And I don't think over-weight people should be made fun of but there is a stigma). But somehow, it's ironic that over indulging in food is looked down upon by most people and over indulging in sex is encouraged even though both show a selfish over indulgent way. And over-indulging in sex is even encouraged and praised.



I believe it does, but that is a decision left up to the individual (preferably women). Someone once told me that the mirror is a woman's worse enemy. Women have let men/society give them a sense of what beauty is. Women gave men that empowerment....


I do agree that women play their part. And there is this movment about a woman being "empowered" by treating sex more like a man. But it's a lie. Women aren't any more empowered. I think we can tell by society that women are just in a different set of chains. Most women naturally want connections and relationships, not to be used by 10 different men with no feeling. The thing of it is,that while I do agree that women have their part, so do men. Men also have a responsiblity in how they treat women, how they treat their wives, girlfriends, mother's and daughters. And you can't expect to treat women a certain way, but have a different set of rules for how you treat the women in your life. There needs to be more respect all around. You push the responsiblity all on women when the truth is it is both women and men that need to make changes. Women can't do it alone and you can't expect them to. It would be nice if men stood up more for women instead of using them.



If sex degrades women, then I feel sorry for those who feel that way


No. Sex in no way degrades a woman. But then again, porn isn't just about sex anymore. It has so many other elements to it because of what it is has become. I don't fault men for being turned on by porn, I fault them for not turing off the porn out of respect and commitment to their real life relationships with women. Sex isn't what degrades women. But porn does because porn is the anti-thesis about what a real life woman is about and what her needs and wants truly are.



Not necessary rape but the power to be in full control of pleasuring a woman. That's what most porn is about. Maybe it's innate. Maybe it's because of the influence women have on sex. Women in society put a lot of pressure on men with ridicule about not wanting to have a one minute man, or a man that can completely pleasure his woman; to taking over. That's a form of control. I feel it's innate for men to want to be dominant, and when seen, it enhances the feeling. I don't think it's something taught.


Hey, I like dominant men myself. I LOVE when my guy is dominate in the bedroom. It is a turn on. But there is a huge difference between letting him, someone that cares about me dominate me, and 10 different men that don't care about me dominate me. There is a difference between being dominate and abusing that power. And alot of porn abuses that power. As for porn about wanting to give women pleasure? I don't know but I have seen porn and maybe it's because I am a woman and know better a woman's body but many times those girls didn't look like they were getting pleasure. They sure were screaming loud and junk but that doesn't equal pleasure. Porn is all about theater. The other sad thing is that alot of men grow up thinking that how you pleasure a woman is the same in porn as in real life. The truth is, in porn it's about a man's pleasure and what gets him off, not a woman. I can't tell you how many guys I have been with that do stuff they see in porn and think I shoudl be turned on by it when I am like "WTF, learn how to please a real woman, not some fake woman in a movie that is faking it."



Action and Horror movies inflict gruesome violence on another human being (mostly men). Which is really odd that some women don't find worse or the same as porn.


I hate horror movies. But I don't agree that they show more violence to men then women in them.


I think nowadays anything that shows dominance by men towards women offends and frightens most women


Why shouldn't it offend or frighten us? It is a reflection of what men like seeing and how men like seeing women be treated. And there isn't much respect of love in it. Of course it frightens women. It sucks to know that men like seeing women treated like that. It breaks a certani amount of trust between relationships between men and women. Women don't have the same medium that degrades men to the same extent men have towards women. It is scary and I often wonder if this is how men really feel about women. It's disheartening if the answer is yes.






think women (remember, we haven't even had the vote for 100 years yet!) are still very sensitive to anything that smacks of subjugation or hate. Think of any other marginalized/abused segment of society (African-Americans for example) and imagine how they would feel if there sites where they were treated in a derogatory manner. You wouldn't be allowed to post it, it would fall under the jurisdiction of hate crime. So don't be surprised that women have a negative response to anything that seems like an attempt to put them back in their place.



God it is so true! I would like to hear a guy's feed back on this comment. There would never be a site tolerated to an y other group that treats them so degradingly, yet it's okay to treat women like this. Why don't men care?



For me, no, I can't be happy with what I have. Men have needs too. watching porn doesn't make you not loyal in my book, I am not WITH the women in the movies. A lot of things women do hurt a lot of men as well.


I guess from my stand point, he might as well be with the women in the movies since he is obviously thinking and wishing he could be.

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As I have previously stated, I look at/get off to porn sometimes. When I do, I do not wish I was with the man/woman I am looking at. It's just voyeuristic stimulation, a fantasy with an image outside my own head. I suspect that for a lot of guys, it's the same thing. No personal investment, no wishing, no putting yourself in the picture. Just a quick visual and probably a quick finish.

And while I don't have an issue with porn generally, I do get seriously concerned by some of the crap I have stumbled across. For me, there is a vast difference between sex and degradation. Obviously, the sites that present the more disgusting stuff must have an audience, but there are FAR more sites that just show the usual horny-people-getting-it-on stuff. That's because that is what most people want to see.

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Any opinions from a woman are rhetoric unless they’re explanations was given to them by a man.

How true!

Regardless of how ugly you think the guy is in the porn, he’s still there having sex with the women. It's the image of point A going in and out of point B...

As long as B is very attractive!

If B was unattractive the whole thing would completely lose its appeal and become gross!

My point is: A (man) is allowed to be unattractive and sloppy. B (woman) has to be very attractive and sexy.

If the same act was performed with the ugly B and a very sexy A – it would not be arousing any more.

My conclusion: it’s about the attractiveness of “B” at least as much as about the act.


He doesn’t want you to feel like you’re being used when you don’t want to have sex; and that’s a big turn off for most men. So he turns on porn to get that sexual frustration out.


Oh, we don’t feel used, alright.

We feel (easily) REPLACED.

You’re promoting this garbage just as much as you feel men promote porn. Women look like dictators when they only look at porn as immoral. But hey, every person has their own subjective feelings of what is justly.

Action movies and violence arepromoted mainly by men.

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Porn will defile the marriage bed, only satisfy LUST, not love; the more porn you watch, the less ability you can deepen your love for your spouse

Edited by Lovelybird
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