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I'm a very shy guy, and I need advice to talk to ths girl!

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I have a problem. I am very shy around certain type of people. It seems like I stutter, my hand shake or twiches because of certain fears around people(I'm getting a little better talkin to people but I'm still scared around certain people). Well, I met this girl about a month ago. As soon as I saw her I've fell in love with her. She is lybeautiful and real nice and sweet. So after the day I saw her i decided to take a chance and talk to her. It's been going well about a month now, we've been talking every since. a week ago I've wrote her a little love note. She says it was sweet but her friend said i've put to much in it. We've been giving each other hugs a for a 2 weeks, and I want to try to make a move on her, such as to hold her hands or try to give her a kiss. I had tons of time to do this but i chicken out. i always think what she would do or wht would she would think. Can Anyone help.

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Well, I wouldn't call you shy. I'm about as far from shy as you can get and I would never write a gal a love note until I'd been dating her for some time. So you've got lots more guts than most men.


Just ask her out. But, let me warn you, if she's like most women she will be very weary of a man who writes love notes prior to being in a relationship. I totally agree with your friend. That's something that will be a real test of your spirit.


Go for it!!!

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