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How much compromise do you make

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Great Gazoo

Sometimes the captain goes down with his ship. I never said she cheated constantly...all I know is for fact she did once...that is the problem I don't know anything anymore...if she is lying or telling the truth...how the hell am I suppose to know anything but your right I do make excuses for her.


We have been together for so many years and I don't think the a divorce would be a short term pain. I promised myself I would never ever get married again, never again. I also own a business and have a lot of assets to lose, it would probably cost the family business. I know she wouldn't want to take me to the cleaners cause she knows she was the cause but I am sure some people would convince her that she should still go for it all.


Maybe a open marriage could be a solution. The funny thing is after everything I still love her.





Buddy, when the building's burning around you, you do the only thing you can. You run for the door. She's cheating on you constantly, and remorselessly, and there's no excuse for it. Stop trying to make excuses for her. She appears to have plenty of her own anyway, so why should you go through all the extra work.


Think of it this way. There's no children yet to complicate things. You're young, and there's plenty of opportunity for you out there. You can go throught the short intense pain of a divorce and heal up, or the long term disabling, crippling pain of dealing with a cheating, lying, unloving spouse. Believe me, a couple years down the road when you have a loving wife who's a blessing in your life and a bouncing baby or two you'll be thankful you made the hard choice sooner rather than later.


You sound to be a mess right now. I've been there. Take my advice and get off this rat infested sinking ship before it sucks you down into the abyss. Stop forgiving her, and start forgetting her!

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Sometimes the captain goes down with his ship. I never said she cheated constantly...all I know is for fact she did once...that is the problem I don't know anything anymore...if she is lying or telling the truth...how the hell am I suppose to know anything but your right I do make excuses for her.


We have been together for so many years and I don't think the a divorce would be a short term pain. I promised myself I would never ever get married again, never again. I also own a business and have a lot of assets to lose, it would probably cost the family business. I know she wouldn't want to take me to the cleaners cause she knows she was the cause but I am sure some people would convince her that she should still go for it all.


Maybe a open marriage could be a solution. The funny thing is after everything I still love her.



You know what. That's a bunch of self indulgent, in love with my own sadness, crapola. And it didn't take you more than one sentence to make another excuse for her. So snap out of it and ditch the crybaby role. I've been there and it doesn't pay squat. You need some of your wits about you and it about time you pulled your head out of your cups of misery, slept it off, and start thinking about the hard questions with a clear head.


If you had kids, I could understand that. But money? Your business? These are the chains that bind you? You're going to let HER decide your fate because she might be able to take a piece of your action? I couldn't live like that. But it does show you have a lot of fear inside you should address.


The funny thing about life is that everything has it's price. The funny thing about money is that you can always make more of it. What good is it all if it can't even help you get out of a bad part of your life, but keeps you there instead?

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Anyways after talking or should I say yelling or both it came out that she had cheated on me 3 weeks before at one of these conventions with some guy who also has a girl friend.


This should not surprise you in any way! Your wife has been emotionally divorcing you for a long time.


She said she is more worried about me being alone because she has a lot of other people in her life. At first she wanted a date when she should leave and I finally told her to leave it alone, to let me think about things.


Are you kidding me? C'mon Gazoo! Where is your self respect! She sees you as such a pathetic creature... is that what you really are?


Tell me Gazoo... Who are you inside? Is it what you want to be?


I think you are a tiger acting as a mouse!

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