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What does this mean?

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Ok when a girl you like tells you "you're such a great guy, you'll meet a really nice sweet woman. Are you seeing someone?" what is she implying? Is she sending me some message I am not quite catching on to here?


If you've had a very on and off thing with a girl where she keeps trying to break contact with you and then gives in when you contact her again ( which I did), is she having doubts about me? When she writes you an email saying "sorry for all the trouble, can we start off fresh as friends?" Is she asking for another go, or is she just nicely giving me the old "I want to stay in touch with you but just as a buddy" thing?


Argh, why are girls so complicated?

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You need to ask her what she means when she says something you don't understand. How are we supposed to know here? Be direct and to the point. You have nothing at all to lose.


As to why women are so complicated, that's quite obvious. For the answer, see pages 167 - 174.

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