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to kiss or not to kiss....

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Ok, well a while back I was talking to a girl and we almost started dating... But she backed out because she was afraid of any sort of romantic relationship, period. It seemed partly because she may have been a little unconfident with boys. She's very innocent/timid. I'm 17 and she's about a year and a half younger than me. The thing is, we've started hanging out lately a little bit more again. I was talking to a friend of mine who mentioned that when she has me over for movie nights with other friends, or vice-versa, that I should attempt a kiss. Mind you, I didn't say anything to this friend about the situation. I told her that I was going to T's house for a little party, she asked me if I liked her, I said a little bit even though we almost dated before anyway even though it didn't work out the first time, but she told me anyway that I should make a move. I don't know what I should do, but I'm curious to find out if a little 10-15 second innocent kiss with her would break her out of her shell and help her open up a little bit more. Any thoughts on this? Or should I forget about it... I certainly would like too though, because I also have yet to kiss a girl, and it would be nice to experience it myself, whether or not it amounts to a relationship. I don't think she would push me off.... But I'm still not certain what to do. Please Help!!!

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kiss her. Then you'll have the pleasure of being slapped, pushed away, or EVEN. . . finding your tongue in her mouth and exploring a new world.


Either way at least you'll get that first kiss ;)

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Ok, well a while back I was talking to a girl and we almost started dating... But she backed out because she was afraid of any sort of romantic relationship, period. It seemed partly because she may have been a little unconfident with boys. She's very innocent/timid. I'm 17 and she's about a year and a half younger than me. The thing is, we've started hanging out lately a little bit more again. I was talking to a friend of mine who mentioned that when she has me over for movie nights with other friends, or vice-versa, that I should attempt a kiss. Mind you, I didn't say anything to this friend about the situation. I told her that I was going to T's house for a little party, she asked me if I liked her, I said a little bit even though we almost dated before anyway even though it didn't work out the first time, but she told me anyway that I should make a move. I don't know what I should do, but I'm curious to find out if a little 10-15 second innocent kiss with her would break her out of her shell and help her open up a little bit more. Any thoughts on this? Or should I forget about it... I certainly would like too though, because I also have yet to kiss a girl, and it would be nice to experience it myself, whether or not it amounts to a relationship. I don't think she would push me off.... But I'm still not certain what to do. Please Help!!!


Feel her out and read the situation. What does her body language tell you. If she's looking off in another direction (as in, not making much eye contact), then it ain't a good idea.


However, if you think she's "feeling you", I say, GO FOR IT! Kiss her. Maybe you could start with a very soft kiss (a lingering ummmmaaah on her lips). Don't move your mouth or use tongue...just press your moist lips to hers for a second or two...see how she likes that.

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oh PLEASSSSSSSE just do it...........for me lol!!!!! i would LOVE it if a guy did that just kissed me.......even if it was once!

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oh PLEASSSSSSSE just do it...........for me lol!!!!! i would LOVE it if a guy did that just kissed me.......even if it was once!


well g are you a young lady yet to be kissed? and yes I agree kiss her

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