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what do I do now..?

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frannie...I don't know that I have much to contribute to help you with your decision. I believe in his reasons for remaining in the M, as my MM is in the same spot. I have had the argument regarding staying for the children several times...actually that's an understatement...more like hundreds of times over the past few years.


A couple of things:


Perhaps he didn't react when you said you would tell W because he doesn't believe that you would? Over the past 4 years you have not, so he may feel quite secure that you won't.


If he is looking for someone else to be the catalyst, then perhaps that is the only way he would leave. Although, it's possible that he wouldn't exactly leave, but would need her to kick him out. I know you say that you aren't hoping for that by telling, but be aware that it is possible that she will want to repair the M and he will stay as that is the easier course of action (or inaction).


If the result is that he leaves, then, as someone else pointed out, you will have to deal with her in some way. It is possible, however, that he might not forgive you for telling.


There are so many possible scenarios that could result. I have always wished I could get angry at mine and walk away. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find that anger. I understand staying for the kids - I did it for many years until one incident forced my hand. And there doesn't need to be an A in order for one to stay for the children. There was no A in my M...


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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I am saying. I want to tell her what has been going on.


Is that pre empting his loving action to me..?


Is it being fair to her..?


What is it..


I need guidance.



I was the BW. I wanted to know the absolute truth. The BW in your scenario deserves to know the truth also. And if I were you I wouldn't stay either. Just my honest opinion. That's far too many years to wait around being the third person in a marriage.

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I definitely would want to know, but I am one who prefers to have all the facts before making a move.

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the last time we spoke, he said that his view of the future had not changed: that he wanted it to be him and me... him and me...


Frannie I've read your thread with great sadness. I know how hard these decisions are, how very difficult leaving can be. My MM was also concerned about his kids, wanted to "be there" for them given what had happened the last time he and his W split.


But we also wanted to be together. And initially he saw that as "his" selfishness, wanting "his" happiness "above that of his kids". He was so unsed to being unhappy in his M he simply could not see himself as deserving of happiness - at least, not in the short term. He felt he had to suffer for it, earn it. It would be his prize for suffering through for his kids, this golden future.


It was when we stopped focusing on "a future together" that things became clearer. Every day spent apart was one fewer day we'd have together, one fewer ray in the golden future, one less pearl in the crown. I don't know how old you are Frannie, but I want to enjoy life while it's still mine to enjoy, before I have tubes up my nose and nurses at my side. I'd rather share my PRESENT with MM, while it's still a gift to share, rather than some decrepit future when neither of us even recognises the other anymore once the angels have carried our memories away.


And when we started discussing a PRESENT together rather than a future together, it became obvious what needed to happen. MM left his W. His kids - didn't fall apart. He spoke to them beforehand and they chose to be with him not with his W. They're going through family counselling now to ease the break (MM and kids; W refuses) and MM has realised that what he wanted for the kids was not what the kids wanted. He's far happier for the choice, tough as it is.


Frannie I think your MM genuinely loves you. I think he feels paralysed by the trade offs and the realisation that he has to crush someone's hopes in this, that someone's heart is going to get broken and he will be the cause. How do you choose who you love more? He's probably thinking, you're an adult, it's more responsible than hurting a child. But hurt is not easily quantified, nor predicted. You can't balance it and make easy decisions on it. And so your offering to act absolves him of that guilt, of being the one who made the choice which lever to pull to send which victim down the chute.


What would I do in your place? I would tell him you love him. I would tell him you have only so much of your life left, and you can't corrupt a golden future with a bitter present. You can't risk poisoning the future prize with today's resentment, and that because of your love for him and your wanting to keep that memory pure and intact, you have to leave it before it gets bitter and resentful and angry. And then walk away.


I wouldn't tell his W. You're depriving him of the one small chance he has left to grasp his own salvation, by telling her himself. Leave him that chance, that possibility of redemption, that possibility to find love and respect inside himself in an active and constructive way instead of the scared, paralysed way he's stuck in. You love him, you needn't destroy him on your way out.


Spend some time alone, somewhere else if you can, reconnecting with yourself. And when you return, deal with what you find at the time. It may be something, it may be nothing, but don't speculate on what it might be and don't decide ahead what you would do. You've spent too long living in the future - you need to spend time in the present, and let the future take care of itself.



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Frannie - I'm sorry to read this post and see everything you have been going through. You were one over two years ago that was there for me and you helped me understand what bothered me the most in my situation ... the ego thing ... remember? Well, that was long ago and I hoped I reminded you of who I am, so you know this is from the heart - I'm sorry, very sorry you are having to go through this. I don't post often as I'm sure you realize. I actually try to stay off this site as for me, it brings back memories that are sometimes better left in the past. But I still view from time to time, and I still keep up on the people that helped me.


I wish there was something I could say that would help you, but with what you are going through, maybe just knowing that you have friends that can talk you through it will help. Its hard not knowing what to do and worrying that each step you take might be the wrong one. But, take each minute as it comes. Literally. Eventually the time will get further and further apart, then you are two years down the road towards your own personal healing. It's a long road, but you are strong enough to do it.


Whether you choose to tell the wife or not is simply up to you. There will be pros and cons either way you look at it. But the decision has to come from your heart and mind. If it is something you feel you have to do to move on, make sure you are o.k. with hurting her first, because you will be the bad person then, not her husband. Which might be the reason that he didn't say anything to you against you telling her ... that way he isn't the bad person. Sometimes it is better to move on and leave it ALL behind you. Maybe just think of where you want to be one year from now, two years from now, etc. Once you think of that, would it affect you if you told her and if so, bad or good? And, would it affect you if you didn't tell her and if so, bad or good? Go with your gut feeling on this one, you will have to be the one to live with whichever you choose.


I don't believe there is an easy way to end it ... other than to just let it go. Meaning, let it all go. No worries, no you playing the bad person, no worries or what-if's because you can't stop thinking about the look of pain on another face, no worries that he wants to be with you one day when the children are gone, etc., just let it go. I know it is easier said than done. But sometimes, it shows more class, which allows you to keep your head up at all times. You've learned a lot these past few years. Now its time to use your knowledge and begin to enjoy YOUR life! Good luck!

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What would/can happen if his W found out?


4 years is a long time. What if you suggested that you also see someone else while he waits on his children to grow?


You have NOTHING to gain by waiting on him, but all the time to lose. Time is something you cannot get back.

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Life isn't then or when. Life is this, life is now!


Frannie dear,


I saw this in another thread and thought it would help you to understand that you must let go and start reliving your life today for today. Forget the then and the when and concentrate on the now. As unpleasant as the NOW may be,you, and only you, have the power to slowly initiate a change in your life, one that will eventually free you form the shackles of this unhealthy relationship.


Four years is along time to be with someone and yet not be with him. I know how impossibly unbearable it can become when the years roll by and yet, the man you love, does NOTHING to be with you completely.


His promises of leaving when the chldren grow up are hollow promises and do not mean a thing. The children NEVER grow up, Frannie. Something always comes up - college exams, marriage,grand children, health issues - something. Meanwhile, your life is on hold and while you wait and pine away, one day you look into the mirror and the face you see is old and hard and weary and yes, even bitter. You wonder where the girl you knew has gone to. You may even turn against yourself in blame for wasting your life on a chimera. For that is what it is, Frannie.


I am sorry to say this for, I know you well enough from your posts, to say that you are an amazing person who deserves much,much more.


If he really wanted to leave, he would have left, Frannie. It's that simple. Somehow, he can't muster up the courage and that is and isn't understandable. Leaving his famliy would crush them, leaving you would crush him and you. He is in a quandary, one he he simple doesn't have the courage to get out of.


I would not tell his wife, Frannie. Definitely not. Like so many other posters pointed out, it would be opening Pandora's box. I speak from first-hand experience, sweetie. This things almost always take a very nasty turn. It is his responsiblity if he wants to end his marriage to tell her not yours. If you do tell her and his world comes crashing down on him, he might, in the long run, feel very resentful towards you and blame you for the destruction all around him. His guilt may strengthen and push him to make an even harder attempt to salvage his marriage. Things like this hardly go down in favour of the OW. Sadly, it seems we are the more dispensable party in this type of saga. You will come out being the bad guy, both in his mind and hers. And as you know, many married couples do put up a united front when they forced to confront a threat to their security.


Better that he comes to you when and if he is ever ready. Yes, much, much better. If he is a decent man, this is what he needs to do for all parties involved.


You haven't seen him since October. This is a good start although it maynot seem so right now.


Let him go, Frannie. Do it with dignity and grace. You will be proud of yourself for doing so. Resolve to start healing in ways that work for you. Live for today, rid yourself of all that burdens you and make a fresh new start. And if ends his marriage, you know he will have done it, not because you forced his hand but because this what he wanted for the both of you.


You are an intelligent woman. You can do it.




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Shades of Grey
No one is stopping me. Not even him. I told him a week ago I would tell her... he did nothing, and said nothing.



I have ended it in respect of seeing him, but he still says he wants to be with me and us to be together one day...


I can't live with that. I want him out of my life or in it. None of this.


I'm so upset reading this thread because it resonates so much with me. The length of time you had been together, the amount of time spent together. The way you are together. How he says he feels. How he can't ever make a decision.


Your MM loves you and wants to be with you. I dont think there's any question of that but he doesn't want to be the one who made it all happen and he doesn't want to face up to the trauma it will create.


When you threaten to tell her and he says nothing. It's because he wants you to tell her. The risk is she might then leave him but then it wouldn't be his choice. When he tells you he wants to be with you but then refuses to back up his words with actions the risk is you might leave him..and that would be awful, but it wouldn't be his choice, his fault.


I don't think that he will ever make a decison. Mine wouldn't. I made him tell her. I gave him the opportunity to walk away from me and he wouldn't so I said then you tell her or I will. So he did. (He had no choice) He told her he was in love with me, that we had been together for three and a half years and that he wanted to be with me. He also told her that it wasn't the first time although it was the only the only time he had felt this way.


Unfortunately the choice wasn't taken out of his hands. She told him she didn't care, she didn't want him to leave and that they could get through it. So the decision was still his! He was still the bad guy if he left. Nothing changed.


Tell her Frannie. If the parallels continue, in my opinion this will happen. And MM will want to keep seeing you but in the meantime you will have to stand by and watch him pretend to repair his marriage. Eventually you will have no choice but to walk away.


This is just one scenario, there are of course many but it seems to me that all conclusions will emerge from an action which more and more apparently needs to be yours.


Thinking of you x

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I was in your situation before and I loved the man.


But after a year I just got tired of the whole thing.


Of the guy going back home with the wife, spending the weekends with the wife, having the family life with the wife, etc etc.


I just didn't want to deal with that anymore and ended it.


It was tough, but I think if he were to marry me it'd have been a disaster too. We'd probably be divorced by now.

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Well, my view is that I should drive up and tell her all about it.




That's so dumb...


Besides, she probably knows already and doesn't care.

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That's so dumb...


Besides, she probably knows already and doesn't care.




That's not always the case. Sometimes they really don't know. I have a friend who's husband was a trucker, she had no idea that he had another family. For more than 8 years he lied to both women. Until an accident and my friend was called. Well someone called the ow also. They both showed up at the hospital, well needless to say that was a huge mess.

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Hi Frannie,


OWoman put it, as usual, succinctly and beautifully: that you do not want to risk a golden future for a bitter present. The "here and now" is the future. It was "the future" six months ago. This is not where you want to be. That you do know. A few things:


1. Under no circumstnaces would I tell the wife. First, there is just the soap opera aspect of it all I just find too tacky somehow. You have been diligent and dignified and patient and to do the big down-the-drain move of the phone call to her..Somehow you just "reduce" yourself with such an action. I have the feeling you wish to tell her not so much for "closure" but to see where the subsequent series of "reactions" might get you and I truly doubt that the fall-out, so called, would be positive. I also have the feeling you might turn to him after calling her and say "Okay,now she knows. Now what are you going to do?" And then things start to get embittered, resentful and you do not want to morph into that kind of shrew character after all this time and dedication. Then, of course, in some sense he may indeed want you to tell her in order to, as one poster put it, to make you into the fall guy. To take the burden off him. This has one bright, big glaring flag waving in front us all: Weak Man. They can and will do nothing to change their lives as they are incapable of doing so (outside of profound therapy and spending some part of their life solo).


2. The gray zone is unacceptable, period. The "I love you, I see us together" versus No-Action is, I think in your case, a sincere expression of what he wants, but as I often say, what a man (or anyone) wants versus what they are capable of actually doing are two different things. If you stay in this kind of yo-yo situation a yo-yo you will become: you will end up being pulled back and forth and up and down and the MM will be controlling you; the actions, the speed of the relationship, such as it is, the whole time. Indecision of this sort is practically a form of mental cruelty. Exit stage left and stay out of this whole scene.


3. How do you go away and stay away? First and foremost in your mind. It is better to "move" but impractical and too much upheaval perhaps. But you begin by surrounding yourself, your life, with what you love as a single individual and from those things you derive a new lifestyle, new distractions and possibly new relationships. I am a huge proponent of following your intellectual or cultural passions to "find" not just yourself but the right people. Its a win win situation whereby you develop "yourself" and then bring around your custom made clique. This includes new romantic relationship prospects. If there is anything you dreamed of doing, starting, building, continuing, try to tap back into that and make that your focus. You become, by the way, all the more an attractive person and you will begin to regard him objectively.


4. The other thing is old as time itself and in the history of male-female relationships: If he cannot live without you he will come after you. You must put his...sorry for the expression...balls on the line here and make him act. Of course you may tell him you love him. But you must summon your self confidence and all your self esteem to make him come to you.


5. As I said in my original thread. There is a time to be Geisha and a time to be Queen where a woman's relationship with a man is concerned. Time to be Queen, my dear. You 've been there enough for him.

Edited by OldEurope
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BS here Frannie.


Don't bother telling the wife. I actually believe the wife should know and be told but I am giving my advice for you personally not the situation.


Let him go he will come for you if he is not a cakeeater. I'm sorry the kid excuse just doesn't cut it. Honestly. Divorced men spend MORE time with their kids. They get a set visitation schedule. They have their kids all weekend every other weekend and some weekdays. They have more quality time and get to know their kids better.


Honest Frannie. How much time is he spending with his kids when he is spending half the week with you? Maybe it is the kid inconvenience he doesn't want. Once he leaves he will not have the built in babysitter to be able to come home late go out etc. He will have to be a responsible parent. Please think about the kid excuse. It IS an excuse.


Let him go Frannie. If he is cakeeater you will turn everyone's world upside down. It's not in your best interest. Now from the BS point of view TELL AND TELL NOW.


You are one of the few OW's who I have felt differently about. Good luck to you.

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Frannie, we have encountered each other here often. I have respected and liked your opinions even when I disagreed with them. Your experience has taught you much, and I think you know my feelings about cheating and MM and affairs. But you asked us to give an opinion as if what you said is true. So I will. I confess that I did not read everyone's posts thoroughly, but I did see many good responses.


I cannot be the OW, but I can pretend I am the OM. This is not the same, but it is the best I can do. I think my answer may be different than most posters here, but in your shoes this is how I would deal with the situation.


If I were you and you knew that he loved you and was staying with her for the kids, then I would stay and continue the affair. At this point, the harm has been done. If you truly loved him, then you would want him to be happy even if you felt his decision was not the correct one.


If he loves you, then he will follow through on his promise. If he does not follow through, then you have had him for a few more years. While moving on sounds great in one sense, it does not in another because...you love HIM. Without him, you would be lost.


As for telling his wife, I would not. Two reasons...one is that she may know already. SO what would you gain?


The second is...if she does not know but finds out from you, then what will be the result? Do you think she will kick him out? Do you think he will feel betrayed by you for revealing his confidences in you and ruining his children's lives?


Any result from this spells trouble.


SO, IMO...FWIW.....stay in the affair, and do not tell the wife.

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If you are tired of the A and want out, walk away without telling his W. I think that the fact that you haven't seen him since October is wearing on you, motivating your thoughts right now. Step back and reconsider your motives.


Telling her will put into motion many things that you will never be able to rebalance. I wouldn't do it. After four years of being his OW, regardless of the time of NC interspersed, it will make it all to easy to say that you are an obsessed woman that can't and won't let go.


I doubt very seriously that he loves his children as much as he has led even himself to believe. He has done nothing in their best interests by having this A for all this time. Whether he loves you or his W doesn't figure in either. He loves HIS comfort, wherever it is and whomever is providing it at the time.


Why haven't you seen him since October? That in and of itself is really odd.


I remember his postings. He won't make a decision. You won't feel good about telling his W after it is done. You will be the fall guy for all involved - particularly to his children, the ones he claims to be hanging around for. I just don't buy his drivel. He is a coward. His posts were cowardly.


You deserve better. He has promised you nothing but an empty future dream. A future that neither of you know what is held there. One of his kids could be horribly injured in an accident, THAT would keep him home longer. One of his kids could turn out to be world famous, THAT would keep him at home. Too many variables in there. And from his previous posts, he seems all to willing to let sleeping dogs lie.


I agree that his indecision is a form of mental cruelty. And it is unacceptable behavior from someone who claims to love you.


Walk away with your head high. Ignore his attempts to pull you back in. He was able to walk away without so much as contacting you when you did NC before. That speaks volumes to me about his true intentions or even abilities. He doesn't have the chutzpah (sp?).


You are better off without him.



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You know what Frannie? You don't have to do a blessed thing about him.

  • You say you want out of this.
  • You say you're sure he loves you.
  • You want to tell his W about the A. (For what purpose? to force his hand?)

You don't have to do NOTHIN'. You don't owe him any type of explanation. Just stop contacting him (if you are). And if he contacts you, be nice but a little vague, distant, noncommital...


And get on with your own life! Join a gym (excellent suggestion). Start pursuing hobbies that you've put on the back burner. Take a class in something you're interested in. Travel somewhere with a girlfriend. Doing all these things will eventually start opening your heart to other people. You never know...


Bottom line -- you can't change him. And you can't force him to do anything. You could try, but it'll most likely backfire on you.


<<Frannie>> I think you're going to be all right. I think your heart is telling you it's time to disengage from this. I think you should listen to it. In any case... your friends here at LS are solidly in your corner!!

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Frannie, we have encountered each other here often. I have respected and liked your opinions even when I disagreed with them. Your experience has taught you much, and I think you know my feelings about cheating and MM and affairs. But you asked us to give an opinion as if what you said is true. So I will. I confess that I did not read everyone's posts thoroughly, but I did see many good responses.


I cannot be the OW, but I can pretend I am the OM. This is not the same, but it is the best I can do. I think my answer may be different than most posters here, but in your shoes this is how I would deal with the situation.


If I were you and you knew that he loved you and was staying with her for the kids, then I would stay and continue the affair. At this point, the harm has been done. If you truly loved him, then you would want him to be happy even if you felt his decision was not the correct one.


If he loves you, then he will follow through on his promise. If he does not follow through, then you have had him for a few more years. While moving on sounds great in one sense, it does not in another because...you love HIM. Without him, you would be lost.


As for telling his wife, I would not. Two reasons...one is that she may know already. SO what would you gain?


The second is...if she does not know but finds out from you, then what will be the result? Do you think she will kick him out? Do you think he will feel betrayed by you for revealing his confidences in you and ruining his children's lives?


Any result from this spells trouble.


SO, IMO...FWIW.....stay in the affair, and do not tell the wife.


Wow! James, I have so much respect for most of your posts. I do much more reading than responding normally.


But again... Wow! You have told her to do exactly what I am doing, but what most people will not condone. Most discount the love and question why you would stay when you don't have "all of him". I think you stay until either he ends the M, or you need to end the A as it is no longer fulfilling. A very controversial position to take.


But I think she is at her breaking point and she needs more than he is giving right now.

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But I think she is at her breaking point and she needs more than he is giving right now.


Now matters. The future matters too, but now matters more, because it's all we actually HAVE.

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Now matters. The future matters too, but now matters more, because it's all we actually HAVE.


I concur. I think Frannie is past the point of merely enjoying being with him in whatever capacity possible. She needs more...now...not when his kids are grown up and he is ready.

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Not disagreeing with that.


My point is that there is already an affair. The MM is who she loves. He has been clear that he is not leaving his wife now. He said he will leave when the children are gone.


Taking everything at face value and considering the fact that frannie loves her MM, then I say enjoy today and forget about tomorrow. Besides, are not most affairs based on that premise?


It is not that I wonder whether he will leave his wife. It is not what I myself personally think or believe to be best for her in the future. It is not even about my feelings about affairs.


The question is...do I stay or do I go? And I say stay and hope for the best.


As for the wife, what will be gained by disclosing the affair? Nothing. What will be lost? Everything.

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I say enjoy today and forget about tomorrow.


James I think the question is moot whether Frannie's continuing in the A as it is, is "enjoying today" or not. Whether "enjoying today" would better be done some other way - like cutting herself off from dreams of the future and living more fully in the "now".


I don't presume to speak for Frannie, but as an OW who was also in an A which had prospects of "one golden day" I know that there's a point at which one starts compromising "now" for "then" - a tentativeness about planning, making decisions with an eye to future developments and withholding some of oneself for the absent lover. My MM felt the same, and we both felt that we were wasting 'today' for dreams of 'tomorrow' and so we acted on that. Acting, rather than waiting, is a source of energy - whichever way it is one acts. And if Frannie is feeling stuck and unhappy, perhaps she needs to act, one way or another.

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So much advice. None of which went to that horrible place I often see within this forum.


I particularly found interest in the posts by OldEurope, serial muse, norajane, and OWoman. I should also give marlena some props.


I rarely post here, and don't even peer at this forum often, but when I saw your name attached to this thread, I was immediately interested.


Nothing I say will be news. Not seeing him since October is something to be proud of. I know it hasn't been easy. Breaks while still in love never are. They are the hardest breaks. Standing by ones principles is noble, but living amidst the logical mind and the emotional heart...well...they often pull in very different directions.


It is easy to believe that he loves you and wants to be with you. You're quite lovable. I also believe that he stays for the children, even if my personal beliefs find that a bit misguided, and at the same time appearing to be very noble.


It does seem that your "threat" to tell the W is something he wants to happen in some ways. If she throws him to the proverbial curb, he can feel like he didn't "leave" the children, but was "forced out." Yet I do question your need to tell, and thus be the "bad guy" in this mess. I don't think I would do it, but it's hard to know what one would do until actually presented with the situation.


I stand in the camp of those who believe that divorce does not have to be devastating to a family. When parents take ownership of their faults and mistakes, and give kids just enough info, but not too much, kids can overcome it. Most of us truly want those we love to be happy. Kids are no different.


I also agree with living for today, with certain consideration for the future, but taking each day as it comes and making the most of it. The far future is just to vague to truly plan for.


You have already walked away for your own well being, and that has been difficult on a good day. Really think about, maybe even document, the pros and cons of telling the W about the A. Assuming you are sincere about needing some final closure, telling her would appear to accomplish that. It might also bring the worlds of those in the dark crashing down, and quite suddenly. I might not be able to bring such despair on the family, but for all I know they are aware and choose to ignore it.


Just be sure, whatever decision you make, that it's the right decision for you. Once done, you can't take it back. Until you are absolutely sure, do nothing.


Best wishes.

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He said he will leave when the children are gone.


But he cannot really guarantee he will, let alone promise her 100%. His wife or him could get cancer, or some other health issue that somehow pushes them (MM and his wife) to stay together because the older one gets, the less they want to change their whole lives and start over fresh.


Frannie, been afew days since I've seen you on LS, I hope you're okay. Check in soon..

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Frannie, been afew days since I've seen you on LS, I hope you're okay. Check in soon..


Yes, Frannie. Your friends here are a bit worried. Do check in! If only just say to let us know that you are O.K.

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It took this post to get me back to Loveshack. I haven't been here in so, so long.


Frannie, I am sure you remember me.


And I am so saddened to hear that you are still on the emotional rollercoaster ride. For me, I have been off it for almost two years.


Get off, dear.


It's better on this side of the fence.


Nuff said.






And, BTW, I agree with Old Europe. If he can't live without you, he will come find you. Mine did. Unfortunately, he offered me nothing that I desire any longer. But, nevertheless, he came back for me.


True colors will be revealed when he is without you.

Edited by Walking away
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