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Saw my friend's GF on an online dating site

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I was browsing an online dating site a few months ago and saw this girl who I think my friend has been dating.


I told another friend, but we weren't sure what to do, and we weren't sure if my friend was in a serious relationship with this girl... we also couldn't be sure the picture online was hers.


Well today I saw a picture of him and her together at his house, and when I got home I looked online to see if she was still there. She is, and it's definitely her, and she's definitely been updating her profile on the site.


Question is... what to do? Tell him, right? I only see this friend every couple months... should I call him? Email him? Email him her dating profile pic? What if she has a twin sister? He might be devastated... should I tell him in person to provide support?


I also think now that they've been dating for a few years now... I know it's strange I wouldn't be sure of that with a friend, but again I only see him once or twice a year, and he's a bit elusive about stuff like that.


Anyway, he's extremely generous toward her, and I think she's taking him for a ride.

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I'd send a link with a short message like..."check this out!!! is this a joke??"




It might be better to just make a fake profile and hit on her a bit to see what she does.

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It might be better to just make a fake profile and hit on her a bit to see what she does.


I thought of that, but it's a pay site. It'd cost me $18 to make a fake profile and contact her. I also couldn't use my picture, because she would likely recognize me.

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I'd send a link with a short message like..."check this out!!! is this a joke??"




It might be better to just make a fake profile and hit on her a bit to see what she does.


I like both ideas.. maybe the fake profile first then the email...


Do tell..you are friends with this person...

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Someone I know had a similar situation happen to them. They suspected infidelity, then created a fake profile, aligned a date, caught them red handed. I say consult with your friend and suggest this.

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I thought of that, but it's a pay site. It'd cost me $18 to make a fake profile and contact her. I also couldn't use my picture, because she would likely recognize me.


LOL... then memorize her Screen Name and the next time you see her yell "Oh My God!... Are'nt You HotnEZKatie77 from Match.com?"

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I don't understand why you need to go through all the trouble to create a fake profile and contact her.


Do you suspect your friend is so lame he would excuse her new profile on the site as not enough?


Whatever you decide to do, print it out in the mean time. If she cancels it while you are all plotting and hemming and hawing, you have nothing at that point, but your friend is still stuck with a loser.

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Whatever you decide to do, print it out in the mean time. If she cancels it while you are all plotting and hemming and hawing, you have nothing at that point, but your friend is still stuck with a loser.


Good idea - I grabbed a picture of her whole profile. I can't believe she's got it up there, with her picture. Unless he knows about.. but there's just no way.

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I think the best thing to do is to send the link to the site with the pic and profile. WHy fool around with creating a profile.


MMMM, unless he knows about it and they are soliciting a third party....

don't laugh- it happens.


Why dick around- if he's being used or manipulated- he needs to know.

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Yeah just print it out, tell him and send him the link. Don't bother creating a profile or any other nonsense. If he doesn't do anything about it then thats his problem. All you can do as a friend is provide him with the truth. What he does with it is up to him.

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I dated a girl for 2 months who never took down her profile from a dating service. In the end I couldnt handle the doubts I had, so I ended it. If she is serious about a relationship, which she isnt, she would have taken it down after they started dating. Sounds like she just wants to have fun and isnt looking for a relationship with anyone.

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I would email the link. Maybe even say something like, "Dude, I'm freaking out. Please tell me this is NOT your girlfriend!"

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It could be a fake profile ... someone who found her pic on a different site.


A lot times, people will copy pictures of pretty women and use them as their own in dating profiles.


It might not even be her!


Why risk your friendship!


Best thing to do is to confront the girl through the dating site - send a message - or set up a date. It could just be fake.


Personally, I never tell when someone is cheating. Why be the bearer of bad news? Isn't that a "no-no?" I think so!

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I would just tell the friend that you seen a picture of his g/f on a dating site without making it seem comical. I mean if he didnt know then it is a serious conversation to have with your friend

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I thought of that, but it's a pay site. It'd cost me $18 to make a fake profile and contact her. I also couldn't use my picture, because she would likely recognize me.


Whaaaa? Why would you want to get that deep into the situation? Do you always make your friends' problems your own problems and participate in their private drama?


Just send him the link and say I found this, is this your girlfriend? Anything more and you become part of the problem.

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Yep I agree. It's not your place to make the situation worse with a fake profile.


Just send him the link and let them sort it out between themselves. He might not thank you initially, but in the end he'll realise you were doing it out of concern for him. :bunny:

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Just send him the link and say I found this, is this your girlfriend? Anything more and you become part of the problem.


I would be 100% sure it IS infact her. I mean, what if there's a twin out there?

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