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What does it mean when someone calls you trouble?


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So, I was kissing/making out with the new guy I've been seeing, and in the middle of it he says..."You're trouble."


I kinda smiled and said, "I promise I'm not trouble". But, now I'm realizing I have no idea what he meant. When I call someone trouble, it means I think he's going to play me. What does it mean when a guys says it? Is it good or bad?

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At the end of the day what it means from one person to the next can be many different things. For me trouble means someone I can tell I am not going to be able to say no to. Another way of putting it may be someone that I am going to crave and likely to attack no matter where we are, public or private. Attack in a good way, sexually!


I would take it as a good thing.

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someone that I am going to crave and likely to attack no matter where we are, public or private. Attack in a good way, sexually!


Well I would be very happy if that's what he meant. :D:love:

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A woman I'm seeing now has called me trouble. I think she was talking about the fact that I am keeping myself at arm's length, because she wants more and I wont break. But she won't leave me alone either. That's trouble for her, not me.

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A woman I'm seeing now has called me trouble. I think she was talking about the fact that I am keeping myself at arm's length, because she wants more and I wont break. But she won't leave me alone either. That's trouble for her, not me.


That's precisely what she means. You're trouble for her because she thinks you're going to end up hurting her by rejecting her when she has strong feelings. When I call someone trouble, this is what I intend it to mean. "We always want what we can't have." So the more you keep her at an arm's length, she may become that much more interested.


But, I gathered somewhere along the way that guys use it to mean something different. I didn't know if it was good or bad.

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At the end of the day what it means from one person to the next can be many different things. For me trouble means someone I can tell I am not going to be able to say no to. Another way of putting it may be someone that I am going to crave and likely to attack no matter where we are, public or private. Attack in a good way, sexually!


I would take it as a good thing.


This is the only context in which a man has ever told me that I am trouble.


I think if he said it in a light-hearted way while you were kissing that this is probably what he meant.

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When someone is kissing you and they call you trouble- it's a hot sexy compliment. He's crushin' on you.... flirting.

It's a good thing.

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So, I was kissing/making out with the new guy I've been seeing, and in the middle of it he says..."You're trouble."


I kinda smiled and said, "I promise I'm not trouble". But, now I'm realizing I have no idea what he meant. When I call someone trouble, it means I think he's going to play me. What does it mean when a guys says it? Is it good or bad?



It means he was very into you and was telling you that he finds you so desirable, that he could easily get into "trouble" with you. The good kind of trouble.


Either that, or you're under age and he's not, and its a "15 will get you 20" comment - lol.

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Actually, I see some duality between the "male" and "female" versions... The "trouble" is either being prevented from going somewhere you want to go (female) or in being irresistably pulled somewhere you might not go with a clearer head (male.)


As a male, and noting that it was said in the heat of making out, I agree with the posters that believe it was likely light-hearted, a flirt... "You are attracting me somewhere I wouldn't have expected to go..." It's a compliment... Like Jilly said, the "good" kind of trouble.

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I say the entire calling a girl trouble thing is just flirting... it depends on the context, but in the one you described I think it was just meant to be fun and flirtatios

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haha i got the same compliment from my SO when we first started dating.

It usually means he got more with you than what he expected. ;)


I loved that compliment :love:

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Maybe he was just playing coy with you. I won't worry about it in light of the situation. But if he says that in another context (not romantic or playful) then that would give me pause.

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I didnt get a chance to read the other comments , but if someone is calling you trouble during an intimate moment .. its a compliment!!! :p

Im sure someone may have already said it, sorry if Im repeating

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