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wow, i really pick some winners


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How do I keep managing to find myself attracted to these types of girls?!


The last one, the one I posted about on here is an absolute emotional basketcase except toward one guy. She said she liked me, went out a few times, then it comes out that she isn't over this other dude who completely blew her off like two years ago. Since then, she has "come to realize that there is no hope but can't bring herself to move on," as she put it. Now, to help her forget that, she gets drunk and has sex with random dudes to see if she likes any of them like she liked this other guy.


The girl before that seemed alright too. I met her through my room mate, sorta. She came up to my campus for a concert cuz she is kinda local and was introduced to her. Talked like all night, went to a party later, etc etc. Went out a few times. I never kept it quiet but I never really told my room mate straight up. When I did, told him I took her out on some dates, thought we were kinda hitting it off, thought she was a great girl, he tells me the bombshell. Baaasically, she is a huge slut. The Summer before, a bunch of people from her high school went camping and got drunk and my room mate and his friend ended up double teaming her in a tent. This, apparently, isn't uncommon with her. Asked her about it, she said yes to it...


The girl before that has a whole other story, and another before that does too. I'm just like wtf?! at this point. Seriously, am I like blind that I don't see any of this? I am, usually, I think, a relatively good judge of character and stuff but seriously, these past 4 girls have completely portrayed themselves as interested and as pretty decent, respectable girls, but they are not. at all. Am I expecting too much of the average college girl here? Like for real, I would have no problem leaving these encounters at a strictly physical, one time if thats what she wants, level. But, jeez, I don't even know.



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Ouch dude, sorry to hear that. I've had my bouts with the wrong women from time to time also...sometimes you're just as the wrong place at the wrong time meeting the wrong girl.

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I can certainly relate to the idea of meeting someone who is not over someone from their past. I have had this happen too many times. We are basically the rebound , the filler~in , the void , until they either get them back or spend the rest of their lives hankering to have them back. You can't win. You wish for honesty. They don't reveal this...

As far as the girl banging all the guys in the tent ( or at least 2 ) that is a problem that she is having begging for attention. To sex *both* in the tent is a bit whorish. I would not want to sleep with her knowing she is likely carrying around diseases. Consider yourself lucky if you have not slept with her..


Keep looking. Not all girls act like mindless sluts :)

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Yeah, fortunately I never slept with the slutty one. Very fortunate, considering I found out then that she had/has HPV.


It's not even that. It's just like usually I am a good judge of character and can tell what someone is like but not when it comes to girls I am interested in. It sucks cuz I want to meet a girl that I can date, like bf/gf kind of date. My friends want to go to parties and just find random chicks to hook up with. So I don't know, it's weird.


/rant... again

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