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My boyfriend is having problems

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For the last couple of months my boyfriend has been waking up early in the morning and throwing up. After he throws up he feels bad for about an hour then feels ok but this is really bothering him. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this and if there was a way I could help him.

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Take him to a doctor.

Absolutely... NOW.


Have you suggested this? Is he resistant for any reason? It's clear that it's not getting better, don't you realize that whatever it is may well be getting worse? Why wait another minute?


Is there any possibility that there is a substance abuse issue involved?

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For the last couple of months my boyfriend has been waking up early in the morning and throwing up. After he throws up he feels bad for about an hour then feels ok but this is really bothering him. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this and if there was a way I could help him.


Yeah I've heard of this, and the solution is going to Gastroinestinal Dr. sounds like he has esofagelightus

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