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Things said while drunk

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I was out drinking with a friend of mine last weekend and she told me, "maybe its the wine talking, but I think we should get together" or words to that affect. I said it probably was the wine talking and she replied, "maybe ... maybe not."


She doesn't seem to remember it now that she's sober and I'm not going to remind her but it has got me a little concerned. She's recently broken up with her boyfriend (that's why we were out drinking) and I don't know if she was being more truthful because the wine had removed some of her inhibitions or if it was just crazy drunk talk.


She's a good friend and I don't want to lose that and I don't want to be a rebound fling either. Opinions much appreciated.

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Tough one, You could always try and hang out 1 on 1 and see if anything is brought up or see if she acts differently around you or you can just come right out & say something , tough situation.. only she would know the answer.

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If you have feelings for her I say explore it.. find a way to bring it up. Yes, you could be good friends, but you don't want to regret it if it could be more..


There are times in my past I was in similar situations and looking back, I wonder.


In fact, I get my hair cut by a woman friend I've known since I was a kid.. we were 'roommates' (only roommates - 3's company thing..)15 years ago for about 2 years. And we had several drunken nights back then. And a few intimate moments (never beyond a playful kiss or flirting.. ok, I gave her a frontal message once, but that's as close as I got!) ...only when we were having fun and tipping a few back.


But I never had the guts to take it further; even though deep inside I had a crush.


Today she's married with kids.. and I only see her when I get my hair cut, but we talk and talk.. and flirt. And I wonder... I really do. Yes, I love our friendship, but I wonder what it could have been - I do regret. ;)

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I was out drinking with a friend of mine last weekend and she told me, "maybe its the wine talking, but I think we should get together" or words to that affect. I said it probably was the wine talking and she replied, "maybe ... maybe not."


And you did... nothing? Dummy! :laugh:


You could have had her 10 times by now. Screw the friend... ship.

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I was out drinking with a friend of mine last weekend and she told me, "maybe its the wine talking, but I think we should get together" or words to that affect. I said it probably was the wine talking and she replied, "maybe ... maybe not."


She doesn't seem to remember it now that she's sober and I'm not going to remind her but it has got me a little concerned. She's recently broken up with her boyfriend (that's why we were out drinking) and I don't know if she was being more truthful because the wine had removed some of her inhibitions or if it was just crazy drunk talk.


Alcohol provides a get-out clause. If, while under its influence, I say to you "I fancy you, Quinch. How about it?" and you say "no offence, but you're not my cup of tea" then once we're both sober I can claim that it was just the drink talking, that I don't really fancy you, and there need be no overt hard feelings.


If, however, you say "the feeling's mutual...let's do it" then I can own what I said. Alcohol was just employed as a convenient scapegoat in the event that my disclosure didn't produce the desired result.


It sounds as though you didn't give her any indication of whether you fancied her...so inevitably she's chosen to "forget" the incident. The ball's in your court, I think. Time to put aside any insecurities and just go for it. Take the risk of it being a rebound.

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