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how to get the message across

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I need a way to communicate to my wife that she really needs to lose weight.

I've tried going the route of "it's not good for your health..blah blah" but that did not seem to phase her- I am just not attracted to her anymore and she does not seem to care. I really do not know how to handle.

Any suggestions?

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How you tried the "let's go workout together, it's funner with a partner" routine? Or "Let's get back to where we used to be" or something?

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I wouldn't mince words, life's too short to spend with someone you find unattractive, and too short to waste time dropping hints.


Sit her down, tell her you love her, and explain that you find her less attractive because of her weight and you would love it if she could leave the spare tyres in the car.

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