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I think I'm busted

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Ok well here's my story I met this guy and we started talking on the phone and he lives like 7 hours away from me. Anyway, we were once talking that he had a My Space page and later that day I decided to look for it. I found it but didn't tell him. I'm a jealous person so I check on it just to see what's going on and if there are any other girls he's talking to but as something else as friends. Well, there was like one girl who gave him her phone number but I don't know what to think. Maybe they're friends? On it I also saw a girl that I know so that was weird.


OK but the major thing here is that he sent me one picture of him by e-mail and when it loaded I decided to click the next button on the bottom of the picture and random pictures started coming out and of the girl that I know on his my space. Later, when I told him about her he said it records pictures of what the user on that computer had seen but I couldn't tell him I had been looking at his my space so I just played dumb and he seemed to be confused himself of why that happened. Now, I don't know what to do!!! Please help me!!!!

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Busted is right - might as well 'fess up. It could be construed as flattering. You were interested enough to check out his myspace stuff, etc. He doesn't know you were jealous about it, just that you were looking at it. You can play it sweet & curious, it should work. You were curious about him and you looked at his page - that is what it is there for!! You didn't say anything before because you felt kinda stupid but wanted to tell him because you didn't want to lie about it, that it seemed so silly later on....etc. It will be ok, it's not that big a deal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree,

it was harmless!

people myspace pages arent secrets.

if someone wanted to keep their life so private, they shouldnt advertise.

so If he gets defensive. walk away.

If all is smooth sailing. your in the clear!

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