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My Two Best Friends...Rock and Hard Place

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My best girlfriend Megan used to date my brother Chris. My brother is my best friend in the whole wide world. But every girl needs their GURLLL and my GURLLL is Megan. She's my best girlfriend.


Their relationship was short lived. About 5 or 6 months tops. My brother and her split and my brother confessed he never had real feelings for her nor did her ever really enjoy her company (ugg guys lol). I totally understood my brother, he saw Megan as a challenge he rose to the occasion and defeated her in a way.


Well Chris was Megan's first real boyfriend so she's so stuck on him.

He's SO over her. He sometimes talks **** about her but he's civil to her. Because he knows she's one of my best friends.


THIS WAS 4 YEARS AGO FOLKS. Megan is still stuck on him. Well she wrote him a letter with all her feelings in it.


Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. VERY hard place. Megan wants me to tell her if she should give it to him or not. I can't be like "no he talks crap about you and thinks you're gross and regretted ever going out with you." I can't tell her "yes" either because i know I'm setting her up for failure.


So what do I do?

Save her the embarrassment but let her spill her feelings?

Or watch her get crushed by bringing her the bad news?


PLEASE HELP!!!:confused:

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You should tell her he's moved on. Don't have her give it to him. Be honest, but you don't have to give her the nasty details of what he may say.


Just say something like "I don't think you should give it to him. He has moved on from that point in his life and I don't think he would want it to be brought up again."


Try to help her find somone new. Go out with her and flirt with other guys. Sometimes we NEED the truth to get over it. Would you want to be pining over HER brother if behind your back he was talking **** about you? No. And later, once you realized he wasn't into you, you'd feel like a fool for wasting years of your life. The truth will hurt, but in the end it's much better than being strung along.

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