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Broken up, and still flirting?

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My gf and i broke up recently, she says she doesn't want a bf commitment and just wants to stay single for now, and later wants to reconnect with me again.

She flirts with me around other people, and acts like we're dating when we're alone. I asked her about it, and she said she just likes flirting, but isn't ready for a real commitment. I told her, a good idea is for us to do 1 thing a week, a movie, dinner, an hour of tv, just to spend time.

I dont think its fair to let her flirt and play with me, when she tells me she doesnt want a boyfriend, but I've played along, because, i like it too, it makes it feel like we are still dating.

Should i play along to make her happy, and eventually let her fall back to me? Or should i tell her Im not letting her flirt with me like that unless she's willing to try to commit?

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It all depends on what you're comfortable with. Are you okay with her flirting with you while you know she doesn't want commitment? I'm thinking it does make you uncomfortable or else you wouldn't be asking this question. I personally don't think it's fair for her to string you along- making you feel like you're still together.

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My gf and i broke up recently, she says she doesn't want a bf commitment and just wants to stay single for now, and later wants to reconnect with me again.

She flirts with me around other people, and acts like we're dating when we're alone. I asked her about it, and she said she just likes flirting, but isn't ready for a real commitment. I told her, a good idea is for us to do 1 thing a week, a movie, dinner, an hour of tv, just to spend time.

I dont think its fair to let her flirt and play with me, when she tells me she doesnt want a boyfriend, but I've played along, because, i like it too, it makes it feel like we are still dating.

Should i play along to make her happy, and eventually let her fall back to me? Or should i tell her Im not letting her flirt with me like that unless she's willing to try to commit?


Your letting her walk all over you. She's getting exactly what she wants right now, so what motive does she have to commit herself. I don't know if you want to hang out with her anymore but I prolly wouldn't. If you do if she stars to flirt with you etc, you should just say(politely) that we're not together anymore. You should also start dating others as well, cause its clear that she broke up with you to do the same. And I would make it clear that your not going to wait around for her.

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