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Guys, would you have sex with your best friend's girlfriend?


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You know, we create boundaries for ourselves to define our character. Otherwise, we'd bang anybody we wanted to.


Truth is, I don't even go down the road of attraction with anyone who is an impossible candidate. That means married men, my friend's exes, my sister's boyfriends, bosses, etc....


I really don't understand people who say "I just couldn't help it. I had an affair with my best friend's husband." WTF?


Those who cant help it are locked up in asylum or jail or should be.


The problem started with the whole thought of "I'd like to bang him. I'm attracted to him. I should get what I want....Why not just have lunch with him. That's no big deal, right? I'd never actually sleep with him."


WRONG. That's exactly how affairs and nosedives from grace happen. Lunch turns into "Wow, he's so different from my guy. I can handle this. I won't let anything bad happen when we go out for drinks later. I can control myself."


Pretty soon you would be thinking "So what if bang him. I'll just get it out of my system. Just once. Besides, his wife is a real b#tch who doesn't understand him. Poor guy. He needs love, too."


Shadow, all I can say is watch your thought patterns. The minute you think you might be attracted to his friend, you cut off that thought. You don't feed it with positive happy thoughts of it all turning out wonderful. Rather, you try to understand why you are thinking that way if you are so happy with your boyfriend.


Maybe it is a sign that you need to leave so you can freely date others. Maybe it is because you are pissed off at your boyfriend and can't show your anger another way. Maybe it's because you feel powerless with him and this gives you power over him, or evens the score in some way for his own threesome comment from the past.

Yeah more than once it happens because of ego not love.


Anyway, I agree with the poster who said once you bring in a third party, it contaminates the relationship. No one wants to be second choice. If they do, they are too screwed up to be in the relationship.

...and they dont respect their partners because how could they respect anyone who is dumb enough to be with them...


I personally think your boyfriend isn't a strong enough of a personality to be with you. You need a guy who will stop you from being the kind of woman who would say "Hey, I would like to date your friend."

Uh come on. You are encouraging physical abuse here. Because once you are confronted with this kind of behaviour it is time to either LEAVE her or SLAP her good.


However, it caused damage and you need to learn to edit yourself. Would you tell your boyfriend he had a small penis if he asked you (and he really did)? Heck no, you'd say it was perfect. Same thing here. You don't have to tell him every thought.

Buy a Bucket for Poisonous Spit. And spit there every time you have some poison in your mouth.

Goddamn, if all girls will stick to this I will never know the truth about my penis!

I'm sure if you had thought about if for a while, you would have dealt with it on your own and not said that to him. How could that have NOT hurt him?


Maybe deep down you knew it would. So, now ask yourself why you want him to feel hurt. What is making you angry and scared? What do you want? Are you simply afraid to end things and want him to do it for you by pushing him to the edge...an edge it doesn't sound like he has anyway..


She probably feels she doesnt deserve him. Girls who dont mind about their partners just dont give a **** - they sleep with whoever else and dont tell him, they find some better mate and leave. She probably hates him/herself.


Or she loves this guy and well, shyt happens.

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If your best friend came to you and said, "My girlfriend wants to sleep with you, and I'm not too happy about it, but I won't stand in the way."


I found myself as the girl at the center of this bizarre scenario recently (which I fortunately nipped in the bud before it had a chance to develop). But it left me wondering what most guys would do faced with this moral dilemma. Does horniness or loyalty win over?


No I wouldn't do it for two reasons.


1) it is disrespectful to my friend even though he says he won't stand in the way.




2) I wouldn't sleep with such an inconsiderate little tart.

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I dont even have to read everyone else's responses....:cool:


If it was really my best friend...actually scratch that...any friend...if we are friends. I would not sleep with his girl...period. That's just me..bro's before hoe's...I stand by that phrase. Of course I know people who are just weak minded...and those people I never have respect for. Hopefully you would know to not get involved as well, especially if you know they are best friends, you should be the better person and stay out of it and not ruin their friendship.



No I wouldn't do it for two reasons.


1) it is disrespectful to my friend even though he says he won't stand in the way.




2) I wouldn't sleep with such an inconsiderate little tart.


in #1 He only says that because he feels helpless and knows there is nothing he can do to stand in the way of it happening, especially coming from her. He really doesn't mean it, just hoping that his "best-friend" knows better than to dis-respect him like that. To me that would be not only an ultimate test of friendship, but also the ultimate blow. :mad:


#2 ....agreed. If any one of my best friends women wanted to dis-respect my homie like that...then she's just a hoe. In fact it's already happened with my current room-mates girl (now-ex)...she tried to sleep with me, and I told her to just the the F*** out of my room, and she is a disrespectful beeyatch. She was quite attractive, but I'm not a sucker for looks...her personality obviously isn' that great so to speak ;)

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