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How can you know you are ready to get married? How can you sure your marriage would be happy?

Dear Quest,


Those are very interesting questions you've posed. Questions that really don't have answers to them. Love, itself, cannot be broken down into a formula. It can't be derived, nor proven, nor chemically reproduced. There are no secrets in love. You're ready to get married when you're ready to get married. You'll have a happy marriage if you're happily married. What is marriage anyway? I guess that depends a lot on who is asking or answering the question. For myself, it's a symbolic representation of the union of two souls into one combined entity that works together for the rest of their mortal and immortal lives. Now that doesn't mean that two people lose their individuality and become one collective thinking being -- 1 + 1 still equals 2, but two people commit themselves to each other. They love each other and devote themselves to each other. They life with and for each other, spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. It's a very abstract concept to try and completely comprehend or explain for that matter. It's a living being that grows and learns and breathes. You can't analyze it and judge how long it's going to last or how much happiness you'll get out of it. Once you say your vows will you suddenly be a different person? Or are you simply affirming your devotion to this other person in the eyes of God, or perhaps the law, or however you personally interpret it. Your marriage depends on the strength of your love and what it's based on, and that depends on your awareness of yourself and how you feel. So the bottom line is only you can determine whether or not you'll be happy. If you're thinking about proposing to someone or if someone has proposed to you, perhaps talking to them would be a good idea. No one else is going to be involved in this marriage.. just the two of you. If you're happy and she's happy and you're both happy for the right reasons, then well.. there's a pretty good shot that you already know the answer. Best wishes to you!





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