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How do you know

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If he doesn't make some romantic type moves after 20 years or so, you can be pretty sure he's just looking for friendship. Before that time, you just never know. Don't worry about it. What will happen will happen.


Meanwhile, if you're wanting to get something going with a guy, make some moves yourself. Grab him in the butt and let him know you he got a nice ars. Be daring. Call the shots.


You can always ask him if he feels there can be more. Even then, you never know. People never know. Feelings can change overnight. Just don't be so available to him all the time. If you're there constantly, he will take you for granted and there won't be the excitement or mystery required for romance.

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yep..he's right.Almost all teh times if a guy is not an extrovert one,he'll try and not take the most daring step like this.

I've experienced that they just keep calm and will never let you feel that they are into it,except for the few glances here and there(that too most confusing ones).

So ,in these cases where you want it,be a little daring and if your intuition is right ...you touching him wil be a +ve response back.

And remember most of the guys like daring females.

So ,take a chance.

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