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Re: please answer to this anyone .......please .....Very confussed


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You said it; if he really liked you he would ask you back out. It's true. It sounds like he's really unsure right now how he feels about you. Did he tell you why he was breaking up with you? It's possible that he's just genuinely confused, but I think it's likely that he's trying to "have his cake and eat it too", that he doesn't want to commit right now but still wants you around to keep you interested, perhaps prevent you from finding someone else, and to try to hook up (even if he hasn't pursued that yet). My advice to you is to (as hard as it is), stay away. Don't call, don't return his calls, don't go to his house. I have been there, and I know how difficult it is. But, in my mind, this is the only way that you can perhaps "move on" and more importantly, send him the message that you're not waiting around. If he truly wants to be with you, then he will pursue a relationship with you again. But it doesn't sound to me like that is what he is after right now. It's very normal, after a break up, for people to still be attracted to each other, hold a special place in the heart for each other. But if he truly likes you, he'll want to be with you exclusively, which means pursuing a relationship again.


I hope this was of some help to you. I've been there and know it's not easy. Remember how special of a person you are, and if he's not the right one for you, there will be a man who will love you and treat you as you deserve to be treated. Best of luck to you.

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I am in colleg and my ex-boyfriend and I were going out for 5 months and I feel the same way that you do. He calls and then comes over to visit me in my dorm hall and we kiss and I feel good at the point of the kiss but then when I think about it I feel really digusted with myself because I feel easy. It is like all he wants is a cuddy buddy. Someone to hold when he is feeling lonely. I say ignore him for a while and he will come to realize what he is missing.

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