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We've had many hundreds of threads on the subject of tattoos and on each one of them I always post that I see them as meaningless and for those who have a need to boost their identity and self esteem in a bizarre and unproductive way. I also talk about the many millions of adults around the world who are saving their money for the day when they can have a plastic surgeon remove them.


Oh, yes, I must also mention those who have difficulties finding a job because of the visible tattoos they received when they were young and drunk. Oh, yeah, I forgot all those sad souls who had the names of their girlfriends and boyfriends emblazoned on their bodies for all time...and are now NOT seeing those people and looking for new love interests. Let's not forget the number of very beautiful girls who can't aspire to modeling careers. The people who love them don't see them as cheap looking and demeaning but the majority who wouldn't get them for all the tea in China see them for exactly what they are.


And I always get blasted for my opinions because I'm not with it...that tattoos are where it's at, like jewelry...that tattoos are a status symbol...and thing of the times. And I always reply that I don't care and that I'm so glad I don't have one.


And that's all I have to say about that!

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Graphic art and design has always been my thing, so my designs are all ones that incorporate some event or milestone in my life. I make my design, take it to my tattoo guy and he puts them on.


1. One on my ankle - my first at 18. It was my first 'flash' art that I made: a black chameleon.

2. One on my upper back - sun/moon combo experimenting with greyscale.

3. One on my stomach - a large ring of thorns around my belly button.

4. One on my upper left arm - a design of lotus flowers - I was studying asian textile design and made a pattern I liked.

5. One on my upper right arm: a heart with a blue swallow above it holding a banner - the banner has my daughter's name in it.

6. Another one on my upper right arm - a small set of letters I worked on when I was working on typography, in the Theban alphabet.

7. The last one was a heart surrounded by ivy. Unfortunately, the cancer was directly underneath it, so the design is bisected: a permanent reminder along with my scars of the cancer, and the various heartbreaks I have known recently.


My tattoo guy and I discuss designs and will work on them together. He uses the finished product for his portfolio, so I don't really pay for them, or I will insist and he will take a minimal payment. It is interesting to think that other people might have my designs on them, without knowing the thought I put into the design, and what was going on in my life at the times I got my ink. Each is deeply symbolic of some inner process. I can't imagine a situation where I would even consider having one or any of them removed.


I think my next one will be a pink ribbon incorporated somewhere. Not sure yet. My friends are trying to encourage me to get one on my bald head. :rolleyes::lmao: Don't think so. Every tattoo I have is placed in such a way that if you want to see them you have to ask. They don't show unless I want them to.


I'm lucky I guess in that I work in a place that doesn't discriminate based on personal appearance, and the people I love and who love me don't either.

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I have your, and they're all on my back, so me getting a job has never been a problem.


First one, lower back, all the way across. A big blue rose with thin sort of vines coming out every where, with white tips.

Second one, on the middle of my upper back. A tribal heart with blue flames surrounding it.

Third one, on my right shoulder. A dagger with vines.

Fourth one, on my left shoulder. Another dagger and a rose, with tinker bell sitting on the blade near the handle. (Tinker Bell is symbolic, not just cute.)


My first one was purely artistic. The second and fourth are symbolic, and the third was again a beautiful work of art.


My tattoos are all beautiful with magnificent coloring, my artist is incredible. He does wondrous work, and took my explanations of what I wanted, drew it out, asked me my thoughts on some ideas he wanted to incorporate, and they were all wonderful.

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We've had many hundreds of threads on the subject of tattoos and on each one of them I always post that I see them as meaningless and for those who have a need to boost their identity and self esteem in a bizarre and unproductive way. I also talk about the many millions of adults around the world who are saving their money for the day when they can have a plastic surgeon remove them.


Oh, yes, I must also mention those who have difficulties finding a job because of the visible tattoos they received when they were young and drunk. Oh, yeah, I forgot all those sad souls who had the names of their girlfriends and boyfriends emblazoned on their bodies for all time...and are now NOT seeing those people and looking for new love interests. Let's not forget the number of very beautiful girls who can't aspire to modeling careers. The people who love them don't see them as cheap looking and demeaning but the majority who wouldn't get them for all the tea in China see them for exactly what they are.


And I always get blasted for my opinions because I'm not with it...that tattoos are where it's at, like jewelry...that tattoos are a status symbol...and thing of the times. And I always reply that I don't care and that I'm so glad I don't have one.


And that's all I have to say about that!


When I was in law enforcement, I read tattoos to determine street and prison gang affiliations, individuals' place in gangs (soldier, lieutenant, enforcer, etc.), where they were from, etc. I consider them tacky and low-life and always have. People with tattoos were former drunken sailors or from the wrong side of the tracks.


One of my adult children has about eight tattoos and I consider him an idiot!

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When I was in law enforcement, I read tattoos to determine street and prison gang affiliations, individuals' place in gangs (soldier, lieutenant, enforcer, etc.), where they were from, etc. I consider them tacky and low-life and always have. People with tattoos were former drunken sailors or from the wrong side of the tracks.


One of my adult children has about eight tattoos and I consider him an idiot!


I have a butterfly on my lower back that I got when I was 18.


So, you would think that I am in the Butterfly Gang then?? LOL


yeah, guys, I'm tuff! And apparently also a drunken seaman who is apparently too poor to live on the RIGHT SIDE of the tracks! Cool...I never knew I had such potential...:lmao:

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Pyro, I like skulls too, although I don't have any on my body forever, but the Day of the Dead style skulls are my fave. My friend Jazz has a SWEEEET Day of the Dead style skull and cross bones on her forearm. It is really nice work, too....:cool:


However, I am sure that she just has really poor self-esteem, along with being the head skull-girl in her skull gang! And she probably will have to work a crappy job for the rest of her life now, too...LOL:p

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Pyro, I like skulls too, although I don't have any on my body forever, but the Day of the Dead style skulls are my fave. My friend Jazz has a SWEEEET Day of the Dead style skull and cross bones on her forearm. It is really nice work, too....:cool:


However, I am sure that she just has really poor self-esteem, along with being the head skull-girl in her skull gang! And she probably will have to work a crappy job for the rest of her life now, too...LOL:p


A friend recently introduced me to a tattoo artist who specializes in skulls. You tell him the style of skull that you want and right in front of you, he will draw it out and he is good. I have other priorities first, but when those are out of the way, I am going to see him.:)

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Curmudgeon, I know several cops who have tattoos.....they weren't in the military and they weren't in a gang. I also know a cop who has his whole back tattooed and had it done in the traditional manor.....Taping or "hand poking." Which is how it has been done for thousands of years, almost 10,000 years in Japan. I don't have issue with you not appreciating tattoos, I do have issue with you judging people for having them....


I would like to ask....if you saw someone with a tattoo when you were a cop, did you instantly pull them over, or stop them or question them....or "PROFILE" them...because they had a tattoo?



No offense, you may think your son is an idiot, but I think you might want to re-consider who the idoit is....

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5. One on my upper right arm: a heart with a blue swallow above it holding a banner - the banner has my daughter's name in it.


Those are pretty cool LB.


Even I'd wear the one you described with my son's name :love:


But I don't have any tattoos.

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Curmudgeon, I know several cops who have tattoos.....they weren't in the military and they weren't in a gang. I also know a cop who has his whole back tattooed and had it done in the traditional manor.....Taping or "hand poking." Which is how it has been done for thousands of years, almost 10,000 years in Japan. I don't have issue with you not appreciating tattoos, I do have issue with you judging people for having them....


I would like to ask....if you saw someone with a tattoo when you were a cop, did you instantly pull them over, or stop them or question them....or "PROFILE" them...because they had a tattoo?



No offense, you may think your son is an idiot, but I think you might want to re-consider who the idoit is....


Zing! Nice one.


Generally speaking, I have a great deal of respect for those who serve thier community, or their country. I'll have to make an exception for you Curmudgeon... LOL!

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I forgot to add, I've gotten 3 tattoos....I have 2 on the under side of my arms (just under the arm pit). I have circular Japanese symbol on my left under arm, and a old style bomb (round with lit fuse) surrounded in roses...I recently just added more to the bomb by covering the rest of my outer arm and shoulder with more roses and vines, and smaller flowers (a 7 and half hour sitting.....worst pain I've ever experienced since breaking my leg!). It was done by a buddie of mine in NY. I think if you get a tattoo, you One, need to really think about what you want to get, and two, make sure you have an artist you know, or can trust. There are a lot of artists out there that will just ink you to make a buck and won't tell you or advise you on the ink you're getting.

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Actually i have a plan to get them preferably in my lower back and upper back.


i think tattoo are cool as long as you did not over do it.

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benevolent one

Im sleeved out. One color arm and one black n gray arm. Both are some twisted up nutter biomechanical shizz. nothing on my back, chest, or legs.


I have them to cover the track marks lol JK


Seriously they reflect my personality , and i like them. Thats all that matters to me.

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I have a koi fish in water with a buddha on my whole upper arm. I got this a month ago to mark all the accomplishments I've made in '07 and thus far in my life and it represents who I am as a person.

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In general I do like tattoo's and have one. I do think that some people that get them do it more for a fashion statement then personal expression or artistic value. Like those which were picked directly from a catalog and the myriad of very similar tribal bands that are which were popular a few years ago. Also, getting a tat of a SO's name is generally not the best idea. However, there are many amazing tat's that I have seen and appreciate. Especially when they are custom designs and represent memorable moments in a persons life. I think sleeves look awesome too.

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Hey guys, I have a pegasis with a unicorns horn on my upper chest and after my Dad died I got a tattoo of an anklet with a cross hanging on my foot. The anklet bloody hurt apparently that is one of the painful ones to do. I am getting another but when I am ready.

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I have a few!

One one my lower back of a teal star with some vines going out. One on my hip of an infinity sign with stars. I need to get it finished though. It hurt so much I just couldn't go back. I got it after my mom passed away. I have a small butterfly on the front/lower abs on the left. I have a peace sign, very tiny on left inside ankle (my first one)and I have a chinese symbol for spirit on the left outside ankle. One the back of my right calf is a tat of a road bike with the wheels forming an infinity and a girl on it. Sounds tacky but it looks modern and I got it after I completed a 150 road race. And then on the outside left calf is a tat of a lotus as if you are looking down, pretty teal and blue. It has a vine running along it with a red and pink star. I got this when I completed my 6th half marathon. THis is the one that gets the most attention and comments! Oh I have a bunch of roses on my right upper back representing my three daughters.

I want to get another one when I complete my first marathon in May!


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I have two: 1. my first, a band of orange lilies on my lower back and 2. a grayscale key on my calf which to me represents the many doors that lay ahead and my ability to open any of them I choose.


I just started to draw my next tattoo - a geisha girl of which I will do several renditions. The word Geisha means art person and they were very accomplished artists, singers, dancers and musicians. To me this one will remind me to always try to do my best and always try to accomplish as much as I can. This one will be even more special since I will have drawn it. I think I will wait to have it done after I sell my first art peice.


All of mine are easily covered up.

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Don't have one yet but getting a band on my right wrist soon, still trying to finalize my design. I'll put it in such a place on the wrist that I can cover it with a watch if need be. I've been thinking about getting one for years but 2008 is the year. On a side note, I think it's sad that negative opinions are sometimes immediately formed by those with tattoos, in this day and age (if I may sound like an old fart for a moment) :)

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