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Big age difference?

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I am 28 and seeing a 46 year old man - who I am falling in love with. Is anyone in a longterm relationship with a similar age gap and if so, how does it work between you? How did you cope when s/he reached retirement and the other one still has years of work ahead?! What about kids? Any advice much appreaciated!!


Thanks :)

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I am 28 and seeing a 46 year old man - who I am falling in love with. Is anyone in a longterm relationship with a similar age gap and if so, how does it work between you? How did you cope when s/he reached retirement and the other one still has years of work ahead?! What about kids? Any advice much appreaciated!!


Thanks :)


Well, it worked for Tony Randall and his 40-plus-years-his-junior W! They had kids. Of course, the kids lost their Dad at a very young age (he died when they were pre-teens)... but as far as the M goes, their age difference was probably the biggest advantage they had... they didn't have enough time to get bored and sick of each other before "death did them part."

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DH is 13 years older than me, and for the most part, I've got to say it's worked out well. I was 23 and he was 36 when we met, so it was nice that he was "established" in some senses – steady job, ready for a steady relationship (well in a sense), had his own belongings and could care for himself. And had a mature outlook on things, unlike a previous boyfriend who was 17 years my senior but acted like a freakin' 13 year old boy.


I think it all boils down to the maturity level of the people involved when it comes to making relationships work, regardless of age ...

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I am 28 and seeing a 46 year old man - who I am falling in love with. Is anyone in a longterm relationship with a similar age gap and if so, how does it work between you? How did you cope when s/he reached retirement and the other one still has years of work ahead?! What about kids? Any advice much appreaciated!!


Thanks :)


In my dad's case, his W simply "retired" with him - or scaled down to working just a couple of mornings a week (they could afford it) and he keeps busy as he always has, doing stuff, so it's been no biggie. They're happier than ever.

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Thanks for the responses! I found an internet forum for 'May-December' relationships (lol) that had loads of advice. If you love each other and work well together as a couple, then a lot of the things I'd been worried about don't seem to be a problem at all :p.


Any other advice on here would be still be welcomed though!

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Thanks for the responses! I found an internet forum for 'May-December' relationships (lol) that had loads of advice. If you love each other and work well together as a couple, then a lot of the things I'd been worried about don't seem to be a problem at all :p.


Any other advice on here would be still be welcomed though!



My mother-in-law and sister-in-law were married to men 13 years their senior, it did not seem to matter earlier on in the relationships but as sure as hell it did when my brother-in-law got into his mid sixties. In my MIL's case I do not know as he was 70 by the time I knew him and yes there was a big difference. My mil was worn out looking after him and when he died she seemed to recover and had a good life for years. Different strokes for different folks of course.

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My parents were 22 years apart. They had their ups and downs, like any relationship, but overall they were very close and loved each other very much. It was really hard on my Mom when my Dad fell ill with lung cancer -- she took a leave of absence from work and took care of him full time. She spent about a year with him until he passed away. I know that making the adjustment to living without him has also been very hard on her.

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Thanks for the responses! I found an internet forum for 'May-December' relationships (lol) that had loads of advice. If you love each other and work well together as a couple, then a lot of the things I'd been worried about don't seem to be a problem at all :p.


Any other advice on here would be still be welcomed though!



I think his wife and 2 kids might be a problem. From reading your thread on OW/OM I think you are jumping the gun on this relationship.

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