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OK folks, I have been reading these posts for a bit now and, I would like to add that I have received some really great replies to my posts. Thanks peeps.


My question is this. I have received replies and read other posts that refer to "chemicals" in someones brain after a breakup. What does that mean? Is it just Tony's way of putting things into perspective or are there really chemical reactions that happen in the human brain after a breakup?

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I believe that chemical is called acid. Or at least that's now it feels.



Look at me..the first joke i've been able to make in weeks.

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YOU WRITE: "... "chemicals" in someones brain after a breakup. What does that mean?"


I have never talked about brain chemistry after a breakup, except as it may relate to depression.


All of our feelings are the direct result of various chemicals, including seritonin and endorphins, storming across neurotransmitters in the brain.


Depression after a break up is reactive depression, or depression brought about by a specific event which then generates certain chemicals in the brain. There are people who have chemical imbalances in the brain as a normal course which cause depression and other mood disorders with no apparent life events causing them.


At any rate, I don't write stuff without a reason. If you don't understand something I write, send me a PM and I will send you all kinds of back up material. Meanwhile, if you want to know more about how chemistry affects the brain, go to http://www.google.com and enter "brain chemistry." Knock yourself out and learn something.


Incidentally, endorphins are good chemicals which give us a positive feeling and are generated by exercise.

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