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This is more of a vent but comments are more than welcome!


I'm part of a dancing club at my college. Recently, a girl has shown up, who's very nice, etc, but the trouble is - she's better than me at dancing, and so i've been losing good dancers' & teachers' attention to her.


Now, I know dancing is just a hobby, and there will always be people better and worse than me in everything, etc, but I'm not used to someone else being clearly preferred over me. I especially dislike it when she's absent, and all the attention comes right back to me - as if to let me know the difference.


I do stay nice to her, I do wish her well, etc. But ... is it silly of me to be bothered by this situation? I keep comparing myself to her, and while i ward off these thoughts, there's a general discomfort...



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YOU ASK: " is it silly of me to be bothered by this situation?"


I can't really say if it's silly or not but it serves no useful purpose. If the girl is a better dancer, her practice and natural talent is to her credit. If the attention on you when she's not there helps you to work harder and improve yourself and your dancing, that's a good thing.


I personally work very hard NOT to upset myself about anything...particularly about people who can dance better than me. The reason for that is that I can hardly dance at all, unless somebody is shooting at my feet.

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I dont think your being silly about it.I do think it's quite normal to be jealous.Certain things get me jealous now and then but I try to think everyone is special.But you know,I bet there is someone out there that wishes they were like you!


Just imagine what some people went through back on Feb 1,The Columbia disaster,the people lost ther families.There were some kids that even lost their mother or father on that day.Think of how hard that must of been to watch them land then see their families destroyed.Also on September 11 the people that lost their loved ones at The World Trade center.Imagine yourself losing someone like these people did or they have came up missing.Now think of how lucky you are to be alive.Try to think of someone whos worse off then you and believe me you will feel so much better.


Look at life in a positive way.No one is better.Everyone is special in their own way.Theres something good in everybody.Sometimes it just takes trial and error to find out what talents you have.So if you think there are people in your life that you think are better,its not true.Remember they have worked hard to be where they are now and its not cause they are better or more talented or anything like that.Just remember all of us are good in one thing and other people are good in another.Just remember everyone is special including you! Just keep trying,believe it or not you got talent somewhere.So go find it!


Good luck!



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