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About to take a chance

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I've liked this guy for the last 8 months. We are presently just friends. We chat on the MSN, on the phone occasionally and have gone out a handful of times. I suspect he may see me as a buddy but I know how he feels about me. Sometimes I get a positive vibe, other times I don't. He's hot and cold. I'm thinking I should take the chance and ask him if he thinks he can see me as more than a friend. I'm thinking about telling him that I'm interested in him as more than a friend.


I've never, ever done this before. I'm scared of his answer and how things will be after that (akwardness). Do I take that chance or do I just let time tell what will happen between us?


(One friend says to take control, stop wasting time and find out now, another friend says to not bother saying anything)...I'm so confused.

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You have no choice but to take control and let him know how you feel. And if your feelings for him are strong and he seems not to want to upgrade the friendship, you will have to back off quite a bit.


It is foolish to hang around this guy as a buddy when you have strong feelings for him and the feelings aren't mutual. You don't need to put yourself through that and you take time away from getting out and finding others with whom you can have romance....while you wait in total uncertainty for him to change his mind.

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