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Big mistake and scared

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I recently got back together with my ex.


Long story short, she was having an affair with my best friend, and after a month and a half, I took her back and she has been doing so much better.


Despite this, I know she's very attached to me. She has given up drinking and other things she was having problems with at the time, and I know her close friends who even tell me now she's a new person. I also stopped drinking in support of her.


(The boy she had the affair with (my ex best friend) broke into her house and was arrested for assault and trespassing. Now she has a restraining order against him)


Besides that...


I recently just transferred schools, and now going to college where a good friend of mine attends. By really weird happenstance, we ended up in the same dorm, and I live literally upstairs from her.


We ended up going out two nights ago to a party with her friends and a bar and came back messed up, despite my commitment not to drink...even though my gf said it was fine....


I ended up having sex with my friend, and after i realized it i freaked out. I ran upstairs and just stayed awake, pissed off at myself for giving in. I feel like **** about it and it really was a stupid mistake. We have had previous intimate hookups in the past, but never while i was going out with someone. This is the first time i have ever cheated on a girlfriend, and I don't think I could feel worse about it.


I don't know what to do if i should tell my girlfriend, even after what she did to me. i know its immature to think of this as some "balancing out" thing, but i know she'd be a wreck about it if i told her, and after this experience I really know i just want to be with her even more.

I ended up telling her we kissed and she was "ok" about it but said, "I'd be a wreck if i found out you slept with her."


I really want to tell her... but I can't put her through that at all... I never told my friend i have a gf, because i'd be afraid she'd think I was just trying to get her to sleep with me, even though it was a mutual thing.


I plan on not drinking, and I truly know it won't happen again.


I plan on just focusing on my studies and just pretending it never happened, as wrong as it feels...


What should i do...please?


Thank you for your time and feedback if possible.

Edited by yeahmso
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I plan on just focusing on my studies and just pretending it never happened, as wrong as it feels...



I think subconsciously you had a need to even the score and so you did with someone who was "safe".


Keep quiet and do what you plan to do...pretend it never happened and focus on your studies.

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