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need advice on live in bf?


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Me and My boyfriend have been living together for the last few months. He is by far the most important thing in my life but I am not his. He will move to FL in April and I have to stay in TN to finish school. He has decided that he wants me to leave because he cannot give me the attention any girl would want. Does that make since? For instance he would rather go eat by himself and read a book than come home and spend time with me. He says that he still loves me but he doesn't know if he is still in love with me, and that he thinks we should seperate because he feels as if he is wasting my time. I love him very much, I never believed in meeting your "soul mate" until I met him, but he was nothing like this before he has just recently became very distant. I asked if he was seeing anyone else and he said no, I believe him.


I don't know what to do? or Think?


Please help

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As hard as it is to accept, he is telling you what you need to do. You need to move on. Whether or not you had a wonderful relationship in the beginning or whether or not he is currently seeing someone else is not the issue. The issue is that he does not want a commitment with you at the present time. You know how you are when you are in love with someone; you want to be with them all the time and you rush home to see them; you don't avoid going home to see them. This boy, for whatever reason, no longer wants to be in this relationship.


I apologize if this hurts you. I have learned that it's better to hear the truth than have false hopes. This does not mean that it will never work out down the road. But you need to honor his request and leave. If it is truly meant to be, he'll realize it at some point. If not, just remember that there is someone right for you. Just be patient; it will happen. Best wishes to you, and keep your chin up.

Me and My boyfriend have been living together for the last few months. He is by far the most important thing in my life but I am not his. He will move to FL in April and I have to stay in TN to finish school. He has decided that he wants me to leave because he cannot give me the attention any girl would want. Does that make since? For instance he would rather go eat by himself and read a book than come home and spend time with me. He says that he still loves me but he doesn't know if he is still in love with me, and that he thinks we should seperate because he feels as if he is wasting my time. I love him very much, I never believed in meeting your "soul mate" until I met him, but he was nothing like this before he has just recently became very distant. I asked if he was seeing anyone else and he said no, I believe him. I don't know what to do? or Think? Please help
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Me and My boyfriend have been living together for the last few months. He is by far the most important thing in my life but I am not his. He will move to FL in April and I have to stay in TN to finish school. He has decided that he wants me to leave because he cannot give me the attention any girl would want. Does that make since? For instance he would rather go eat by himself and read a book than come home and spend time with me. He says that he still loves me but he doesn't know if he is still in love with me, and that he thinks we should seperate because he feels as if he is wasting my time. I love him very much, I never believed in meeting your "soul mate" until I met him, but he was nothing like this before he has just recently became very distant. I asked if he was seeing anyone else and he said no, I believe him. I don't know what to do? or Think? Please help



He may be afraid that he is making you unhappy. Or worried that he is ruining your life. If you love him the way you say you do, then he is the most important thing in your life. School will always be there. And if you do love him that way, and he also loves you, then you will be miserable the whole time you are apart. How well would you be able to concentrate on school?

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