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Maybe you guys can help me with this vivid dream I had last night. I dreamed I was having a spa massage (I've never actually had one IRL). But this one was in the shower with some naked dude with a gray moustache. He was not anyone familiar, and aside from mild curiousity I felt pretty detached from the whole experience.


The strong emotion didn't come until afterwards, when he quoted me 1,100 dollars as the cost. I said, no, that is way too much. I was feeling really guilty for racking up that kind of bill and was mortified about what my H would think about the money, not really guilty at all about Naked Guy. So I started trying desperately to talk him down on the price. He finally admitted that I'd only paid 150 dollars last time, and agreed to charge me that again. This is strange since IRL, even that amount of money is huge to us.


This was entertaining, but I have no idea what it means.

That's a really tough one to analyse. Why don't you send him around to my place tonight, and I will do some serious research.

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I sometimes remember dreams, but I can think of one that i had a few weeks ago that shook me/woke me up.


It was set in 1940s during the war. (Im 24 so nothing to do with my life). I was dressed in a black short dress, kinda flapperish. I was in a sort of hall, with a lot of people sitting facing foward. Most of those there were soldiers. I was standing next to my current bf but he didnt look like my bf, i just knew who he was. In the dream he was a soldier. Anyway, all of a sudden nazy soldiers stormed in the hall and took my bf. He kept saying he wasnt on duty bc of his leg. They wouldnt believe him so they asked me. I said that it was true. They open his pant leg and he was missing a leg, he had a peg instead. Then i looked at him and started thinking why he didnt look like he does now and then i got scared and woke up.


Weeeird drem


I think i may have watched a movie about WWII or something although i cant remember.


It was very very odd though

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That's a really tough one to analyse. Why don't you send him around to my place tonight, and I will do some serious research.

I don't think he's your type...

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Only once - waaaayyyy back in time when I was 16 - I was dreaming and realized that I was. So I thought, "Well, if I'm dreaming, then I can fly!" So I did. It was the most awesome experience, and I wish I could do it again.

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It means your unresolved feelings are:


Sexual desires

Other men fantasies

Not spending much money


Wanting to be pampered

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It means your unresolved feelings are:


Sexual desires

Other men fantasies

Not spending much money


Wanting to be pampered



I think you have found your calling, Ariadne.

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I have had super bad nightmares where I think I am awake but I can't move. The last time this happened I dreamt I was awake- my eyes were wide open and I could hear someone breaking into my apartment and walking towards my bedroom. In these states, I truly believe I am awake- and am terrified, but cannot move. It's truly scary- because I do think my eyes are open when this happens, but I can't say for sure. I struggle and struggle to try and move to get up and protect myself- but am unable to do so.


I usually scare myself into waking up before the intruder comes into my room- but this dream has occurred a few times in my life- and it's always the same..... someone breaking in and coming for me.


Anyone else had this happen?

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I have had super bad nightmares where I think I am awake but I can't move. The last time this happened I dreamt I was awake- my eyes were wide open and I could hear someone breaking into my apartment and walking towards my bedroom. In these states, I truly believe I am awake- and am terrified, but cannot move. It's truly scary- because I do think my eyes are open when this happens, but I can't say for sure. I struggle and struggle to try and move to get up and protect myself- but am unable to do so.


I usually scare myself into waking up before the intruder comes into my room- but this dream has occurred a few times in my life- and it's always the same..... someone breaking in and coming for me.


Anyone else had this happen?


yes this happens to me, too. i'll even see myself trying to lock a door that won't, or shutting a door just in time only to have the knob come off in my hands. scary. i feel for you, those dreams are so real. i hate burglar dreams, they stay with you all day long.


i also believe i know what it feels like to be stabbed and shot as well, solely because of dreams. i've had some bad ones.


i often dream of spiders too, which i am not super-afraid of, but i don't love them either. there just always seems to be one somewhere, and usually gold, like metallic-gold, not gold-yellow.


i also dream about an ex who is always trying to follow my family and me around, and i try to get him to go away to no avail--real nightmare!:laugh:


also, i dream of going to classrooms, and i know i am in the right place, but all the people are wrong.

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I had one recurring dream in my life. A continuation that picked up where it left off for months/years when I was an early/late teenager. It bothered me so bad that I actually saw a priest and I am and have never been religious. He heard my story and just feel silent.


I think I watched the story of a death of mine over a long time in another time.


When the dream was finally over and I fell to my death I never had it again. Yet it is still a very vivid dream memory.

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I often dream that I wake up, get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. Wishful thinking. It seems just like a normal morning until suddenly something all Salvador Dali-esque happens, like the toilet turns into a blue camel and I say, oh, darn, I'm doing it again. Then I start over. I can do this like five times.

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Yeah, waking nightmares suck.

When I actually scare myself into waking- I have to turn all the lights on and stay up the rest of the night.


I once dreamt I was wide awake- again, eyes open, but unable to move and the rapidly spinning ceiling fan above my bed was breaking apart from the ceiling and about to fall down on me. It's scary because I believe I am awake but can't move a muscle.


I only get those dreams maybe once every few years. But they affect you the whole day!


Nightmares are the worst.

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I keep having this weird dream about myself posting on a particular site. The main administrator of the site is a short, handsome, Italian guy from Florida. He's very smart and very articulate. But he's also very PC and very militant. He bans and suspends and gives people slaps on the wrists left and right.


In my dream I calm him down and show him the error of his ways. After that he thanks me.


I teach him that he needs to apply the same tolerance in his real life. He ends up meeting the woman of his dreams and kissing my feet.


Of course he invites me to his wedding.


I'm on topic, right?


I have had a similar dream.

But the wedding is strange and there are lots of strange avatars running around ....

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I have NEVER dreamed about God or anything close to it. You'd think after so many years of being raised in a faith, you'd get SOMETHING...


Just an observation

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I have NEVER dreamed about God or anything close to it. You'd think after so many years of being raised in a faith, you'd get SOMETHING...


Just an observation


I'm an Atheist and I have had dreams about talking to Jesus.

How strange is that?

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I'm an Atheist and I have had dreams about talking to Jesus.

How strange is that?


I think that is quite cool and really interesting!


I practiced lucid dreaming for awhile. The magazine at the time (OMNI) gave ideas of talking to Einstein or Roosevelt, what have you.

I decided on Elizabeth Montgomery.

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I think that is quite cool and really interesting!


I practiced lucid dreaming for awhile. The magazine at the time (OMNI) gave ideas of talking to Einstein or Roosevelt, what have you.

I decided on Elizabeth Montgomery.


That's cool. I have often talked to Socrates in my dreams.

I am attracted to Philosophers- which is probably why i have talked to Jesus along with other ancient characters.

Dreaming is truly interesting.


Even my dogs dream. Just now one of them was lying on his side yipping with his little legs going crazy like he was running. I think that's cool when they do that.

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That's cool. I have often talked to Socrates in my dreams.

I am attracted to Philosophers- which is probably why i have talked to Jesus along with other ancient characters.

Dreaming is truly interesting.


Even my dogs dream. Just now one of them was lying on his side yipping with his little legs going crazy like he was running. I think that's cool when they do that.


How funny! Mine do the same thing. I shout at them when they do this sometimes. I say 'Get the bunny! Get that bunny!'

Flying is really a blast being lucid. I know it sounds cliche, but its hard to beat.

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Life is a dream and when you die you wake up


Hopefully we are not bedwetters, or we will all have much cleaning to do when we 'wake up'

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How funny! Mine do the same thing. I shout at them when they do this sometimes. I say 'Get the bunny! Get that bunny!'

Flying is really a blast being lucid. I know it sounds cliche, but its hard to beat.


I've only been able to fly once or twice in my dreams.... and it's the coolest thing.


I think my dogs are chasing squirrels.


I once dated a guy who scared the crap out of me because he started howling and screaming these creepy sounds in the middle of the night because he was having a bad dream. I had to shake him awake and he said he was being chased by a clown....lol.

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I've only been able to fly once or twice in my dreams.... and it's the coolest thing.


I think my dogs are chasing squirrels.


I once dated a guy who scared the crap out of me because he started howling and screaming these creepy sounds in the middle of the night because he was having a bad dream. I had to shake him awake and he said he was being chased by a clown....lol.


Sounds like a night terror! I don't blame him. I never found clowns that funny. I mean, have you felt like being entertained and came to the conclusion that you need a clown to fit the bill? Even as a kid I tolerated clowns. Note the word 'tolerated'.


Flying is tough. I slowly grew into it by jumping higher and higher in my dreams. It's weird. Like anything else, lucid dreaming needs practice!

One dream was moving walls with my hand like 'The Force', but that did not last long.

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Sounds like a night terror! I don't blame him. I never found clowns that funny. I mean, have you felt like being entertained and came to the conclusion that you need a clown to fit the bill? Even as a kid I tolerated clowns. Note the word 'tolerated'.


Flying is tough. I slowly grew into it by jumping higher and higher in my dreams. It's weird. Like anything else, lucid dreaming needs practice!

One dream was moving walls with my hand like 'The Force', but that did not last long.


Does it take cough medicine or other enhancements to lucid dream?


When I have flown- I haven't been able to get too high, and it's always a struggle to stay in the air. Maybe I'll have some neo-citran and see what happens tonight.

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Does it take cough medicine or other enhancements to lucid dream?


When I have flown- I haven't been able to get too high, and it's always a struggle to stay in the air. Maybe I'll have some neo-citran and see what happens tonight.


I have alot of dreams where I can fly and its usualy alot of trouble doing it. Im usualy running after a bus or somthing and then fly after it to catch it. I can usualy fly pretty high in my dreams some times even leaving the atmosphere and the planet but its alot of trouble controling the flying. I some times still think I can fly when I wake up and then when Im awake (still in bed) im like oh yeah flying is imposible.

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