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Foot Pads...or Fad?

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So I've been seeing commercials for these foot pad...things, that you slap on to the bottom of your foot while you sleep :rolleyes:. These pads supposedly detoxify your body from harmful metals, toxins, etc, and is also supposed to be extremely beneficial in slight weight loss, lower stress, relieve upper neck and head pain, and leave you feeling more energetic. I'm not a sucker for TV ads, but I've gotta say...I'm really looking into this "all natural asian" stuff it's made out of...supposedly.


Anyone try these yet?

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Why? Are you feeling contaminated?


I have not tried them, however, I am highly skeptical of one product that purports to do SO MANY things. I think all they'd be able to absorb from your feet is...sweat. Socks might do the job, too.


Wikipedia says there have been no medical studies done on the pads. They are not FDA approved, either, and are included in an FDA report of potentially harmful products.

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Ok, I searched the web and the secret Asian ingredient is.....


Bamboo vinegar!!


Might as well put some apple cider vinegar on your socks and see what that does. Bet your socks will turn brown.

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